2.0.0 • Published 5 years ago

m-query-builder v2.0.0

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5 years ago


A SQL query builder.


import Builder from 'm-query-builder'

const build = new Builder('t_users', 'u')
  .select(['id', 'name', 'sex'])
    id: 1001

console.log(buid.toSql()) // select `id`,`name`,`sex` from `t_users` as `u` where `id` = 1001


const build = new Builder(tableName [, aliasName]) // 创建一个sql构建;注:toSql后,对象不能重复使用
  • Builder.prototype.select(attrs) 指定需要查询字段,默认 ['*']
build.select() // `*`
build.select(['u.userId', 'id', 'name']) // `u`.`userId`,`id`,`name`
  • Builder.prototype.insert(data: Array<{ key: string: any }>) 插入多条数据
  { name: 'zhangsan', age: 24 },
  { name: 'lisi', age: 23 }
]) // insert into table(`name`, `age`) values('zhangsan', 24),('lisi', 23)
  • Builder.prototype.create(data: { key: string: any }) 插入一条数据
build.create({ name: 'zhangsan', age: 24 }) // insert into table(`name`, `age`) values('zhangsan', 24)
  • Builder.prototype.update(data: { key: string: any }) 更新数据,条件需要连缀 where 方法增加条件

  • Builder.prototype.delete() 删除数据,条件需要连缀 where 方法

  • Builder.prototype.where(conditions: conditionType) 条件

  • Builder.prototype.having(conditions: conditionType) having 条件

conditionType 定义如下

type conditionType = {
  [key: string]: any,
  $and?: { [key: string]: any }[] | { [key: string]: any },
  $or?: { [key: string]: any }[] | { [key: string]: any },
  $raw?: string
build.where({ status: 1, age: { $in: [18, 20, 25] } }) // where `status` = 1 and age in (18,20,25)

  $and: [
    { age: { $gte: 18 } },
    { age: { $lte: 30 } }
}) // where `age` >= 18 and `age` <= 30
build.order({ createdAt: 'desc', score: 'asc' }) // order by `createdAt` desc, `asc` asc
build.order([ ['createdAt', 'desc'], [ 'score', 'asc' ] ]) // order by `createdAt` desc, `asc` asc
  • Builder.prototype.join(table: string | Builder, opt?: joinOptionType) 连表查询,支持多次调用
  • Builder.prototype.joins(arr: joinsOptionType[]) 连表查询,参数为数组
interface joinsOptionType {
  table: string | Builder,
  as?: string,
  direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'inner',
  on?: conditionType

interface joinOptionType {
  as?: string,
  direction?: 'left' | 'right' | 'inner',
  on?: conditionType
build.join('t_orders', {
  as: 'o',
  direction: 'left',
  on: { 'o.userId': { $id: 'u.id' } }
}) // left join `t_orders` as o on `o`.`userId` = `u`.`id`
  • Builder.prototype.limit(offset: number = 1, limit: number) 取部分
  • Builder.prototype.toSql(alias?: string) 生成sql


$gt: 10 // > 10
$gte: 10 // >= 10
$lt: 10 // < 10
$lte: 10 // <= 10
$eq: 10 // = 10
$neq: 10 // != 10
$between: [18, 30] // between 18 and 30 
$notBetween: [18, 30] // not between 18 and 30 
$in: [1, 3, 5, 7] // in(1,3,5,7)
$notIn: [1, 3, 5, 7] // not in(1,3,5,7)
$like: 'ab%c' // like 'ab%c'
$notLike: 'ab%c' // not like 'ab%c'
$raw: 'is not null' // is not null
$id: 'u.userId' // = `u`.`userId`