1.2.1 • Published 7 years ago
magikcraft-lore-core v1.2.1
The Core Lore for the Magikcraft API
Added: Wednesday 6 September, 2017
and magik.exmemento
use the durablePlayerMap
instead of a JavaScript object.
toJSON and fromJSON
Added: Thursday 17 August, 2017
The helper methods magik.toJSON
and magik.fromJSON
serialise Java types to/from JSON for transport or storage.
At the moment the only supported Java type is a BukkitLocation
. You can use this to publish a BukkitLocation over the eventbus, and to consume a BukkitLocation from the eventbus.
Here is an example:
Publish your location via the Eventbus
This spell publishes your current location over the eventbus.
const magik = magikcraft.io;
const locationTopic = 'locations';
// Publish my location over the eventbus
function publishLocation() {
const here = magik.hic(); // get player current location
const hereJSON = magik.toJSON(here); // turn it into a JSON object
// magik.dixit(JSON.stringify(hereJSON)); // you can print it out
// Publish player location to 'locations' topic on the eventbus
eventbus.publish(locationTopic, {name: global.PlayerName, location: hereJSON});
Teleport to Player spell
Here is a teleport spell that uses the eventbus published locations to teleport to the last published location for a player:
const magik = magikcraft.io;
const locationTopic = 'locations';
function tp2p(name = '@@INIT'){
// If global.locations doesn't exist, we are not subscribed yet
if (!global.locations) {
global.locations = {};
eventbus.subscribe(locationTopic, event => {
const who = event.data.name;
const where = event.data.location;
global.locations[who] = where;
if (name === '@@INIT') {
if (!global.locations[name]) {
magik.dixit(`No published location found for ${name}!`);
const whereJSON = global.locations[name];
// Turn the JSON into a BukkitLocation
const where = magik.fromJSON(whereJSON);