0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago
mail-ext-types v0.1.0
TypeScript type definitions for MailExtensions, based on https://thunderbird-webextensions.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html
As this library is using the object
type and default values for generics,
should at least be on version 2.3
to get the definitions to work.
Install it
There is an npm package available, which means you can grab it from there:
# yarn version
yarn add mail-ext-types --dev
# npm version
npm install --save-dev mail-ext-types
Though if you want to use the git version, simply do:
# yarn version
yarn add nhedger/web-ext-types --dev
# npm version
npm install --save-dev nhedger/web-ext-types
As this is not a DefinitelyTyped
package, you will have to
include the type definition in your tsconfig.json
by hand, via a typeRoots
"compilerOptions": {
// You have to explicitly set @types to get DefinitelyTyped type definitions
"typeRoots": ["node_modules/@types", "node_modules/mail-ext-types"],
6 years ago