2.2.0 • Published 10 years ago

maildb v2.2.0

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10 years ago


leveldb and disk storage backend for email messages



save an email:

var db = require('level')('/tmp/mail.db');
var mail = require('maildb')(db, { dir: '/tmp/maildir' });

var from = process.argv[2];
var to = process.argv[3];
process.stdin.pipe(mail.save(from, to));

given this input:

Date: 23 Oct 81 11:22:33
Subject: Mail System Problem

Sorry JOE, your message to SAM@HOSTZ.ARPA lost.

HOSTZ.ARPA said this:
 "550 No Such User"

Then save the email by doing:

$ node example/save.js alice@arpa.mil mail@substack.net < example/data.txt


To see the previously saved email:

var db = require('level')('/tmp/mail.db');
var mail = require('maildb')(db, { dir: '/tmp/maildir' });

var box = process.argv[2];
mail.search(box, 'unread').on('data', console.log);
$ node search.js mail@substack.net
{ seq: 1,
  key: '6098da32e14b9cae0da533a1c87153171011107b6b892f37aa248973790ad800' }


To get info about emails:

var db = require('level')('/tmp/mail.db');
var mail = require('maildb')(db, { dir: '/tmp/maildir' });

var box = process.argv[2];
mail.info(box, function (err, info) {
$ node info.js mail@substack.net
{ counts: { exists: 1, recent: 1, unseen: 1 },
   { unseen: '6098da32e14b9cae0da533a1c87153171011107b6b892f37aa248973790ad800',
     exists: '6098da32e14b9cae0da533a1c87153171011107b6b892f37aa248973790ad800',
     recent: '6098da32e14b9cae0da533a1c87153171011107b6b892f37aa248973790ad800' } }


var maildb = require('maildb')

var mailbox = maildb(db, opts)

Create a new mailbox from a leveldb handle db and options:

opts.dir - directory to store emails by the hash of their content

var wstream = mailbox.save(from, recipients, cb)

Return a writable stream wstream to save an incoming email from an originator string from to an array of string recipients. wstream should get the entire email contents written to it, including headers.

Optionally pass in a cb(err, key) callback to capture any errors and the blob store key.

var rstream = mailbox.fetch(box, seqset, field)

Return a readable object stream rstream with the results for an IMAP-style fetch request for the username at box given a sequence set string seqset of the form start:end and a field. The stream will contain objects with a key of the integer sequence number and a value based on the requested field.

Valid field values are:

  • 'RFC822', 'BODY' - TODO
  • 'RFC822.SIZE' - return the size of the message. row.value is the number of bytes in the total message
  • 'RFC822.HEADER' - header content of the message. row.value is a stream with row.value.size set to the size of the header content

mailbox.info(box, cb)

Get the info for the account string box as cb(err, info).

info contains:

  • info.head.unseen - most recent message hash not yet read
  • info.head.recent - most recent message hash marked as unread
  • info.head.exists - most recent extant message hash
  • info.counts.exists - count of total messages
  • info.counts.recent - count of recent messages
  • info.counts.unseen - count of unseen messages

var rstream = mailbox.search(box, query, cb)

Search given an IMAP-style array of strings query for the given username mailbox box.

Return a readable stream rstream or collect the results into cb(err, results). Each result is an object with a key hash property key and sequence integer property seq.

mailbox.store(box, seqset, type, fields, cb)

For a mailbox user account string box and seqset, a string of the form start:end that refers to messages by their sequence numbers, tag each matching message with fields according to type which is a string that matches /^[+-]?FLAGS(?:\.SILENT)?$/.

fields is an array of case-insensitive string tags, optionally with a leading '\\'. For example:

[ '\\Seen', '\\Deleted' ]

This format is taken directly from the RFC so that you can plug the values for the STORE command directly into this method signature.

These arguments are documented in more detail in RFC 3501 section 6.4.6.

mailbox.expunge(box, cb)

Remove all messages in a mailbox user string box marked as deleted. cb(err, n) fires with the number of deleted messages n.


With npm do:

npm install maildb
