0.0.9 • Published 11 years ago

mailpress v0.0.9

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Last release
11 years ago


Wiring up of node-mailer to templates. Plop in the module, insert configs, and some template files, and you're ready to churn out some emails! Comes packaged with default naming expectations for quickly making mailers. For example, a welcome.js mailer will have template files named mailer.html and mailer.txt in the templateDir. You can override such expectations when creating a mailer.


  • node-config: All our projects currently use this to configure our apps. Apologies if it doesn't fit in with your project. Easy enough to remove, if there's need.
  • mustache: Currently, this only supports mustache templates.


  • npm install --save mailpress
  • add mailer config section to your node-config—an example for Amazon SES is below.
  • create your first mailer module
  • create corresponding templates in the templateDir you have set (or in server/views/mail if you're going by the package defaults)
  • require in your mailer and call mailer.sendMail(templateLocals, [configs]) on it

Config Example

mailer: {
        templateDir: "relative/to/project/root",
        transport: "SMTP",
        transportOpts: {
            service: "SES",
            auth: {
                user: "<your user>",
                pass: "<your pass>"

Mailer Example

// welcome.js
var Mailpress = require('mailpress');

var defaults = {
  // to manually specify which template files to use for a mailer:
  // (this changes the mailer to use bob.html and bob.txt in the templateDir)
  //  templateBaseName: 'bob',
  // to override default extension expectations for templates:
  // (to test the text-only version, for example)
  //  templateExtensions: {text: '.txt'},
  subject: 'Default subject line',
  from: 'noreply@someemail.com'

module.exports = new Mailpress(defaults);

and to use it:

// in some other module
var myMailer = require('./welcome');
  name: 'Jake Swanson', 
  welcomeText: 'Hello Mr. Swanson'
  to: 'jakeswanson@fakemail.com',
  subject: 'Setting subject line for this email!'

and here's a set of corresponding mustache template examples:

NOTE: The base name of template files must be same as the mailer base name, unless you override it in the mailer defaults. So, for welcome.js, you would name them welcome.html and welcome.txt

<!-- these two are placed in 'templateDir' directory specified in the config
  -- e.g. relative/to/root/welcome.html
     and  relative/to/root/welcome.txt
<p>Hey there {{name}}, this email is crafted for you.</p>
Hey there {{name}}, this email is crafted for you.

11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago


11 years ago