2.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

makara-builder v2.0.0

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Last release
8 years ago


Lead Maintainer: Matt Edelman

Build Status

Identify all locales under a given directory and call a passed in "writer" for each one


module.exports = function build(appRoot, writer, cb) {

  • appRoot {String} filesystem directory where locales directory resides. Under that would be structure e.g. US/en, XC/zh
  • writer {Function}
    • localeRoot {String} root output directory for the given locale
    • @returns {Function}
      • locale {String} locale string e.g. DE-fr
      • cb {Function} errback
  • cb {Function} called with error or upon successful writing of all locales

makara-builder will use spundle to convert all localized .properties files to JSON objects, create the target directory structure for built languagepack files, and then call the passed in writer for each locale.

The writer will wrap the JSON output as necessary, and write the languagepack file to localeRoot. An example of a writer function is that found in makara-amdify:

'use strict';

var path = require('path');
var fs = require('fs');

var wrap = function (out) {
	return 'define("_languagepack", function () { return ' + JSON.stringify(out) + '; });';

var writer = function (outputRoot, cb) {
	return function (out) {
		fs.writeFile(path.resolve(outputRoot, '_languagepack.js'), wrap(out), cb);

module.exports = function build(root, cb) {
	require('makara-builder')(root, writer, cb);