2.0.1 • Published 2 years ago

make-react-component v2.0.1

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Last release
2 years ago

Make React Component

Generate react and react-native components.

Table Of Contents


~ npm install -g make-react-component


makeReact is the starting command


See the full list of available templates here.


Coming soon with CLI arguments for quicker template navigation


To get started, clone the project on your machine and run npm install. From here you can run npm run start to execute the project, but if you'd like to run the project as a global commnand, run npm run bin:up to symlink the project to your global node bin folder. The command to run the project from there will be makeReact. When you make changes and want to reflect them in the global command, run npm run bin to unlink and relink the project. When you're finished with the symlink, run npm run bin:down to remove the symlink.

Caveats when unlinking module

When running npm run bin:down you'll notice that this does not run the traditional npm unlink command that would normally unlink the project from the global scope. Instead, there is a script that locates the bin directory and removes it manually. npm unlink appears to not work well when using nvm (Node Version Manager) as your Nodejs installer. If you're not using nvm this script should still work all the same.

Project Structure

The current architecture of the project was geared towards making it easier to contribute to. That being said it's a simple as following two steps:

  1. Go into the src/templates folder and create a template file that simply exports a multi-line string.
  2. Open up the src/templates/index.ts file and add a TemplateOption to the templateOptions array with your file and it's configuration.

There are plenty of examples already in place, just simply follow the pattern that is layed out already.

However, here are some general conventions to stick to:

Template File Names and Alias Conventions

  • Web code template file names should start with react-. Mobile code template file names should start with react-native-.
  • Add fn for function and cl for class if the component is a functional or class component. Not a requirement if the file is not a component file.
  • Add -js or -ts at the end of the file name to indicate that it's plain javascript or typescript code.
  • In between the prior conventions, give a simple alias for the feature of this template. react-fn-redux-connect-ts for example, is a functional web component with implemented redux connect code witten in typescript.
  • When adding your template to the templateOptions array, make sure that your alias matches your file name.

General Conventions

  • When contributing, try to make templates that would fit a general use case. Think boiler plate code.
  • As much as possble, try to have multiple versions of the template idea. At least provide both a js and ts version as well as both web and mobile versions if they're components. Functional components are more preferred, but class versions as well would also be appriciated if the use case fits.
  • Try to be as verbose as possible when writting typescipt files. Especially if there are @types definitions for a given library or module.


Let's make this tool useful in all cases! Here is a growing wish list of various common react libraries and cases that would be great to have. This wishlist is not priorty, if you have a cool ideas submit a PR and let's make it happen.

  • Can generate various cases of react hooks code.
  • Can generate a component using redux hooks code.
  • Can generate redux store, actions, reducers code.
  • Can generate redux thunk code.
  • Can generate redux saga code.
  • Can generate a react router connected component code.
  • Can generate react-navigation code.
  • Can generate an HOC.
  • Can generate Graphql/Apollo component code.
  • Can generate jest test code with all sorts of examples.
  • Can generate @testing-library/react code.
  • Can generate a styled-components file.
  • Can generate @emotion/styled code.

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