1.0.2 • Published 6 years ago

makestatic-highlight v1.0.2

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6 years ago


Syntax highlight code blocks

Make your code pretty using highlightjs.


yarn add makestatic-highlight



For each HTML file with an AST syntax highlight code blocks that have a class name indicating the source code language.

See Also


new Highlight(context, options)

Create a Highlight plugin.

The default selector when none is given is code[class].

The options specific to highlight.js are equivalent to the default values except that classPrefix is set to the empty string so class names will not contain the hljs- prefix.

  • context Object the processing context.
  • options Object plugin options.
  • selector String query for code blocks.
  • language Function extract language from class names.
  • highlighter Function override the default highlighter.
  • classPrefix String highlight.js classPrefix option.
  • tabReplace String highlight.js tabReplace option.
  • useBR Boolean highlight.js useBR option.
  • languages Array highlight.js languages option.


Highlight.prototype.getLanguage(file, element)

Default implementation to extract a language identifier for an element.

Use the language option to supply an alternative implementation.

Finds the first lang- or language- class name on the element and returns the language identifier.

Returns string language identifier.

  • file Object the current file.
  • element Object the matched element.


Highlight.prototype.highlight(file, element, lang, text)

Default implementation to highlight code blocks.

Use the highlighter option to supply an alternative implementation.

Returns string highlighted code.

  • file Object the current file.
  • element Object the matched element.
  • lang String the language identifier.
  • text String content of the code block.


Highlight.prototype.sources(file, context, options)

For each file with an HTML AST find elements that match the selector option. Call the language function for each matched element and if a language string is returned call the highlighter function.

Use the return value from the highlighter function as a DOM document fragment and update the code block with the new child nodes.

  • file File the current file.
  • context Object the processing context.
  • options Object plugin options.



Created by mkdoc on March 16, 2017