makeup-active-descendant v0.7.3
Implements ARIA active descendant keyboard navigation.
This module is still in an experimental state, until it reaches v1 you must consider all minor releases as breaking changes.
Example 1: Programmatic Relationship
In this example the focusable element is not an ancestor of the "descendant" elements. The module will add aria-owns
to create a programmatic relationship between the two elements. This is typical of a combobox or date-picker type pattern.
Starting markup:
<div class="widget">
<input type="text" />
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
import * as ActiveDescendant from "makeup-active-descendant";
// get the widget root element reference
const widgetEl = document.querySelector(".widget");
// get the focus element reference
const focusEl = widgetEl.querySelector("input");
// get the element that contains the "descendant" items.
// This element will be programmatically "owned" by the focus element.
const containerEl = widgetEl.querySelector("ul");
// create an activeDescendant widget instance on the element
const activeDescendant = ActiveDescendant.createLinear(widgetEl, focusEl, containerEl, "li");
// listen for events (optional)
widgetEl.addEventListener("activeDescendantChange", function (e) {
Markup after instantiation:
<div class="widget" id="widget-0">
<input type="text" aria-owns="widget-0-list-0" />
<ul id="widget-0-list-0">
<li id="widget-0-item-0">Item 1</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-1">Item 2</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-2">Item 3</li>
Markup after pressing down arrow key on focusable element:
<div class="widget" id="widget-0">
<input type="text" aria-activedescendant="widget-0-item-0" aria-owns="widget-0-list-0" />
<ul id="widget-0-list-0">
<li class="active-descendant" id="widget-0-item-0">Item 1</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-1">Item 2</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-2">Item 3</li>
Use CSS to style the active descendant however you wish:
.widget .active-descendant {
font-weight: bold;
Example 2: Hierarchy Relationship
In this example the focusable element is an ancestor of the list items and therefore the "descendant" relationship can be automatically determined from the DOM hierarchy. This is typical of a standalone listbox or grid widget.
NOTE: this module does not add any ARIA roles; only states and properties.
Starting markup:
<div class="widget">
<ul tabindex="0">
<li>Item 1</li>
<li>Item 2</li>
<li>Item 3</li>
import * as ActiveDescendant from "makeup-active-descendant";
// get the widget root element reference
const widgetEl = document.querySelector(".widget");
// get the focus element reference
const focusEl = widgetEl.querySelector("ul");
// in this scenario the container element is the same as the focusable element
const containerEl = focusEL;
// create an activeDescendant widget instance on the element
const activeDescendant = ActiveDescendant.createLinear(widgetEl, focusEl, containerEl, "li");
// listen for events (optional)
widgetEl.addEventListener("activeDescendantChange", function (e) {
Markup after instantiation:
<div class="widget" id="widget-0">
<ul id="widget-0-list-0" tabindex="0">
<li id="widget-0-item-0">Item 1</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-1">Item 2</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-2">Item 3</li>
Markup after pressing down arrow key on focusable element:
<div class="widget" id="widget-0">
<ul id="widget-0-list-0" aria-activedescendant="widget-0-item-0" tabindex="0">
<li class="active-descendant" id="widget-0-item-0">Item 1</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-1">Item 2</li>
<li id="widget-0-item-2">Item 3</li>
Use CSS to style the active descendant however you wish:
.widget .active-descendant {
font-weight: bold;
: the HTML class name that will be applied to the ARIA active descendant element (default: 'active-descendant')autoInit
: declares the initial active descendant item (default: "none"). Possible values are:- "none": no index position is set (useful in programmatic active-descendant)
- "interactive": first non aria-disabled or hidden element (default)
- "ariaChecked": first element with aria-checked=true (useful in ARIA menu)
- "ariaSelected": first element with aria-selected=true (useful in ARIA tabs)
- "ariaSelectedOrInteractive": first element with aria-selected=true, falling back to "interactive" if not found (useful in ARIA listbox)
- number: specific index position of items (throws error if non-interactive)
: declares the active descendant item after a reset and/or when keyboard focus exits the widget (default: "none"). Possible values are:- "none": no index position is set (useful in programmatic active-descendant)
- "current": index remains current (radio button like behaviour)
- "interactive": index moves to first non aria-disabled or hidden element
- "ariaChecked": index moves to first element with aria-checked=true
- "ariaSelected": index moves to first element with aria-selected=true
- number: specific index position of items (throws error if non-interactive)
: Specify true to scroll the container as activeDescendant changes (default: false)axis
: specify 'x' for left/right arrow keys, 'y' for up/down arrow keys, or 'both' (default: 'both')ignoreByDelegateSelector
: CSS selector of descendant elements that will be ignored by the navigation emitters key event delegation (i.e. these elements will not operate the active descendant) (default: null)
Custom Events
- detail
- items
- fromIndex
- toIndex
- detail
- detail
- fromIndex
- toIndex
- detail
- detail
- fromIndex
- toIndex
- detail
: returns navigable subset of matchingItems (e.g. non-hidden & non-disabled items)index
: the index position of the current active descendant. A no-op on aria-disabled or hidden items.matchingItems
: returns all items that match item selectornonEmittingElementSelector
: CSS selector of nested elements that will not operate the navigation emitter. This is useful in a combobox + button scenario, where the nested button should not trigger navigationModelChange events (default: null)
: destroys all event listenersreset
: will force a reset to the value specified byautoReset
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