1.0.2 • Published 4 years ago

mapbox-gl-draw-bezier-curve-mode v1.0.2

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Last release
4 years ago


A mapbox gl draw mode to draw and edit bezier curves.


Demo page : https://mapbox-gl-draw-bezier-curve-demo.numix.fr




Bezier Curve Draw mode

Use the Bezier tool to enter in Bezier Curve Draw mode :


Alt + Drag with Left click to create nodes with bezier handles.\ Hit Enter or Left click on the last node to finish the curve

Create nodes with handles

Left mouse click to create nodes without handles (same as line string tool).\ Bezier Curves can have nodes with or without handles

Create nodes with handles

Close a curve by connecting the last node to the first one :

Close curve

Remove last added nodes with Right click

Remove last added nodes

Bezier Curve Editing

To edit a bezier curve, enter in direct mode.

Select a node, then drag with left click to move bezier handles :

Edit handles

Break bezier handle symmetry\ Select a node, then Alt + Drag with left click on a bezier handle :

Break handle symetry

Toggle node handles\ When bezier handles are visible, Alt + Left Click on the node will remove the handles :

Toggle node remove handles

When bezier handles are not visible Alt + Drag with left click on the node will show the handles :

Toggle node hcreate andles

Create new nodes in between\ In direct mode, click on a midpoint to create a new node inside the curve :

Create new nodes

Delete node\ Select a node and hit Delete key

Combine/Uncombine extended support

Combining / uncombining bezier curves is supported. In Direct mode there are some additional features :

In Direct mode, combine two vertices from a different bezier curve

If two bezier curves where previously combined, its possible to combine them into a single curve by selecting two vertices.

To do so :

  • Select two curves
  • Hit Combine to group them
  • Enter in Direct mode and select two vertices
  • Hit Combine again to link the two curves together

Combine Two Separate Curvess

Close a curve\ Close the curve by combining the first and last node in direct mode.

Close Curve

Open a curve\ When a curve is closed, open it by uncombining a single vertex. It will be splitted in two separate vertices allowing the curve to be open again.

Open Curve

Split curves\ Select vertices on a non closed curve to split it in multiple curves. The result will be a combined curve.\ Uncombine it in simple_select mode to be able to move each curve independently.

Split Curves


To Install:

yarn install mapbox-gl-draw-bezier-curve-mode

To Use:

import {
} from 'mapbox-gl-draw-bezier-curve-mode';

var draw = new MapboxDraw({
    displayControlsDefault: false,
    userProperties: true,
    modes: {
    simple_select: SimpleSelectModeBezierOverride,
    direct_select: DirectModeBezierOverride,
    draw_bezier_curve: DrawBezierCurve,
    styles: customStyles

var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
  container: 'map',
  style: 'mapbox://styles/mapbox/streets-v8',
  center: [2.45, 46.59],
  zoom: 5.8


See demo package for a full example.

More information about mapbox-gl-draw :







  • First version


  • Demo project : Added an information box to display controls

Known issues


  • When combining/uncombining vertices in direct mode, the shape will not refresh until you move or click anywhere else.

If you find an issue, please refer : https://github.com/Jeff-Numix/mapbox-gl-draw-bezier-curve-mode/issues


MIT © JeffSebrechts


Developed by Jeff Sebrechts