1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago
mapd-connector v1.0.0
MapD Connector
A JavaScript library for connecting to a MapD GPU database and running queries.
Quick Start
npm run build
npm run docs # opens API docs in your browser.
Visit our API Docs
Open example.html in your browser for a basic query call.
Everything in MapdCon should be unit-tested and linted. You can find these tests in /test
The linter and all tests run on
npm test
It's our eventual goal to fully lint the files in mapd-con/src
. Try to write libraries/mapd-con
using the projects/dashboard-v2
Es6/7 style to make this goal easier to achieve.
Command | Description |
npm run build | Creates /dist folder and runs webpack script |
npm run clean | Removes node modules, dist, and docs |
npm run docs | Creates and opens docs |
npm run lint | Runs lint |
npm run test | Runs linting and unit tests |
npm run test:unit | Runs mocha unit tests |
Interested in contributing? We'd love for you to help! Check out Contributing.MD
7 years ago