mapmyindia-map-cordova-ionic-beta v0.2.2
MapmyIndia Map SDK for Cordova/Ionic - Beta 1
For full documentation contact MapmyIndia here: MapmyIndia: You can get your api key to be used in this document here:
Version History
Version | Last Updated | Author |
0.1.5 | October 2018 | MapmyIndia API Team (BM) |
This is a NPM based packaged SDK which can be installed directly through NPM.
Create your own Cordova Based native app powered by MapmyIndia Maps and deploy them to various native mobile platforms.
Package name: mapmyindia-map-cordova-ionic-beta
Node.js, Javascript,React JS, Cordova, Ionic, leaflet
Supported Platforms
- Android
npm i mapmyindia-map-cordova-ionic-beta
Add this plugin to your app's module(app.module.ts) and also include as a provider if you are using
ie. below
import { mmi } from 'mapmyindia-map-cordova-ionic-beta';
providers: [
export class AppModule { }
General Usage
import { mmi } from 'mapmyindia-map-cordova-ionic-beta';
constructor(private maps: mmi) {} //Useful for Ionic
this.maps=new mmi();
1. MapLoad
method needs two parameters to initialize a map in SDK
1) Map div #id // with proper css width & height
2) Map parameters
- Key<sup>*</sup>
: your api map key from Mapmyindia (mandatory)
- Zoomcontrol
- Search control
- center
centre map to a geoposition
e.g. center:[25.5454,77.54545]
- Location control
- For better GPS location add cordova geolocation plugin:
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
var load_maps=this.maps.loadMaps('map',{key:'<map key>',zoom:{control:true},location:{control:true,initial:true,bounds:true}});
1. Zoom
Zoom control can be controlled by using the following parameter:
number between 4 to 18 //To show initial map zoom e.g.zoom:15
//To show or hide the zoom control; takes boolean values e.g.control:true
To change the position of the control The topPosition or leftPosition can be absolute values in pixels or relative values in percentage e.g.position:['150px','200px']
2. Location
A location control provides a button that uses the GPS geolocation API to locate the user on the map.
//To show or hide the zoom control; takes boolean values. e.g.control:true
default false; to call location on map load; takes boolean values. e.g.initial:true
set any any initial zoom on location; takes integer zoom levels from 4 to 17.bounds
set location bound with center to default level zoom 16.html
icon (html) for showing location on map.position:[topPosition,leftPosition]
To change the position of the control The topPosition or leftPosition can be absolute values in pixels or relative values in percentage e.g.position:['150px','200px']
Example of using location
location:{control:true, initial:true, zoom:12}
Tip: For better GPS location use cordova geolocation plugin
cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-geolocation
3. Scale
A map scale represented as a unitless factor (e.g. 1:50000) means that a single map unit represents X real world units (e.g. a meter in the map = 50 km in reality). To show scale on the maps, scale control can be used; which has the following parameters:
default false; to show scale; takes boolean values. e.g.initial:true
To change the position of the control The topPosition or leftPosition can be absolute values in pixels or relative values in percentage e.g.position:['150px','200px']
#### 4. Map Layers
1. Hybrid
Hybrid maps can be shown or hidden with the help of a method call. Hybrid maps are satellite maps overlayed with MapmyIndia Map labels and transportation network.
- Show hybrid map
this.maps.hybrid (true);
- Hide hybrid maps
this.maps.hybrid (false);
2. Traffic
Traffic layer can be shown or hidden with the help of a method call. Traffic layer is the traffic flow overlay within MapmyIndia Maps that shows the flow of traffic on road segments. This overlay is available only for paid customers.
- Show traffic layer
this.maps.traffic (true);
- Hide traffic layer
this.maps.traffic (false);
3. Removing Map layers
Removing a layer can be made possible by default leaflet method or by MapmyIndia SDK method
- By leaflet method:
- By SDK method:
1. Markers
We support leaflet marker method for adding markers in app.
this.maps.L.marker([28.5, 77.5]).addTo(map object);
Adding markers via Custom marker method
var marker=this.maps.marker(mrker_arr,
iconUrl:"assets/imgs/logo.png", iconSize:[36,51],popupAnchor:[0,-16],draggable:true,fitbounds:true,cluster:true
- Marker Object: (mandatory)
it can be single array with lat, long;
var mrker_arr= [28.5454,77.545454];
Other Optional Parameters within array for single & group markers:
- tooltip
- popup
- divicon
- events
var mrker_arr= [28.5454,77.545454,{tooltip:"this is first popup",popup:"this is first popup",divicon:"<img src=''>",event:["click",function(e){console.log(e)}]}];
With multiple markers array
var mrker_arr= [
[28.5454,77.545454,{tooltip:"this is first popup",popup:"this is first popup",divicon:"<img src=''>",event:["click",function(e){console.log(e)}]}]
Marker By GeoJSON array
var mrker_arr = {
"popup":"this is geojson point 1",
"popup":"this is geojson point 2",
- Marker Options
You can use all leaflet option for marker like:
{iconUrl:"assets/imgs/logo.png", iconSize:[36,51],popupAnchor: [0,-16],draggable:true,fitbounds:true,cluster:true}
var marker=this.maps.marker(mrker_arr,{iconUrl:"assets/imgs/logo.png", iconSize:[36,51],popupAnchor:[0, -16],draggable:true,fitbounds:true,cluster:true});
Icon: Supported leaflet Icon method with all options
icon:this.maps.L.icon({iconUrl: 'assets/imgs/logo.png',iconSize:[36, 51]})
fitbounds:true/false** /*to fit map bounds according to all markers*/
rotationAngle:angle //ie rotationAngle:90
Or use custom options for clustering
className:"grp"/*to all css accordingly*/,
polygonOptions: {
fillColor: '#111',
color: '#000',
weight: 0.5,
opacity: 1,
fillOpacity: 0.5
You can Add Tooltip & Info Window separately:
- Add tooltip:
marker.bindTooltip("my tooltip text").openTooltip();
- Add Popup:
marker.bindPopup("my tooltip text");
- Marker Events:
Event | Description |
dragstart | Fired when the user starts dragging the marker. |
movestart | Fired when the marker starts moving (because of dragging). |
drag | Fired repeatedly while the user drags the marker. |
dragend | Fired when the drag event ends. |
moveend | Fired when movement of the map under marker stops. |
click | Fired when the user taps on the marker on map. |
2. Polylines
MapmyIndia Hybrid SDK offers a class for drawing polyline overlays on a map. Leaflet Properties & Events are also supported in our Hybrid SDK as illustrated in the following code snippet.
var pts = [
[28.51, 78.68],
[27.77, 77.43],
[28.04, 78.2]
var polyline = this.maps.L.polyline(pts, {color: 'red'}).addTo(mapss);
Using Custom method for Polylines
This has some additional parameters to manage:
- Points: it can be simple points array or geoJSON array.
- Options: All Leaflet options with additional parameters.
- fitbounds:true/false (can take either boolean value)
- tooltip:text (replace 'text' with whatever tooltip you wish to use.
- popup:text/html (Use a simple text or HTML as popup)
- openpopup:true/false (control the behaviour of pop when HTML
event is fired) - decorator
var pts = [[28.551042,77.268953],[28.551005,77.268649],[28.550986,77.268392],[28.550967,77.268231],[28.550967,77.268177],[28.550958,77.268016],
var polyline=this.maps.polyline(pts,{weight:7,color:"green",fitbounds:true,tooltip:"polyline tooltip",popup:"this is first popup",openpopup:false});
Events on Polylines
All Leaflet Events supported.
GeoJSON Polyline
GeoJSON format for Polylines is also supported with MapmyIndia Hybrid Maps SDK.
Sample code snippet for GeoJSON polyline:
var latlngs={
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [
{"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "LineString","coordinates": [[77.26823,28.550976],[77.268394,28.55099]]},"properties": {"tType": "medium","len": 16.376389,"time":8}},
{"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "LineString","coordinates": [[77.26817,28.550972],[77.26802,28.550959]]},"properties": {"tType": "slow", "len": 15.199708,"time": 12}},
{"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "LineString","coordinates": [[77.267586,28.550922],[77.26802,28.550959]]},"properties": {"tType": "medium", "len": 42.652176,"time": 20}},
{"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "LineString","coordinates": [[77.267654,28.550726],[77.26781,28.550491],[77.26782,28.550425],[77.2678,28.550133]]},"properties": {"tType": "fast", "len": 70.012444,"time": 13}},
{"type": "Feature","geometry": {"type": "LineString","coordinates": [[77.26865,28.55101],[77.268394,28.55099]]},"properties": {"tType": "slow", "len": 24.613169,"time": 18}}]
Style for geoJSON polyline
Sample code snippet for styling a GeoJSON polyline
var style=function(feature)
switch ( {
case 'slow': return {color: "red"};
case 'medium': return {color: "yellow"};
default:return {color: "green"};}
var polyline=this.maps.polyline(latlngs,{style:style,weight:5,fitbounds:true});
Removing a polyline
Animated / Decorated Polyline
Use below option to show decorated polyline:
decorator:{icon:{iconUrl:'assets/imgs/car.png',iconSize:[14, 33],speed:20 /*range between 0-100*/}}
var polyline=this.maps.polyline(pts,{weight:7,color:"green",fitbounds:true,decorator:{icon:{iconUrl: 'assets/imgs/car.png',iconSize: [14, 33],speed:20}}});
3. Circles
MapmyIndia Hybrid SDK offers a class for drawing circle overlays on a map.
Addition of Circles
Code Snippet:[27.11, 77.5], {radius: 200}).addTo(mapss);
Leaflet Properties & Events related to circles are also supported in our Hybrid SDK.
4. Polygons
MapmyIndia Hybrid SDK offers a class for drawing polygon overlays on a map.
Addition of Polygons
Code Snippet:
var pl_pts = [[27, 79.05],[26.767, 78.03],[26.545, 78.05],[27.5454, 77.04]];
var polygon = this.maps.L.polygon(pl_pts, {color: 'red'}).addTo(mapss);
Leaflet Properties & Events for polygons thus added are also supported in our Hybrid SDK.
Adding tooltips to Polygons
polygon.bindTooltip("This is first tooltip");
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