1.1.0 • Published 11 months ago

mappls-search-widgets-react-native v1.1.0

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Last release
11 months ago

Mappls Search Widget

Getting started

npm install mappls-search-widgets-react-native --save

  • Install peerDependencies
npm  i  mappls-map-react-native react-native-simple-toast @react-native-community/netinfo
  • If using React-native<0.60 react-native link mappls-search-widgets-react-native



  • Add followling line in android/build.gradle file:-
allprojects {
	repositories {
		maven {
		   // All of React Native (JS, Obj-C sources, Android binaries) is installed from npm

		maven {
			// Android JSC is installed from npm
+ maven { url 'https://maven.mappls.com/repository/mappls/'}
		maven { url 'https://www.jitpack.io' }
  • Add followling line in android/app/build.gradle file:-
defaultConfig {
	applicationId "com.example"
	minSdkVersion rootProject.ext.minSdkVersion
	targetSdkVersion rootProject.ext.targetSdkVersion
	versionCode 1
	versionName "1.0"
+ multiDexEnabled true


  • run pod install from ios folder


Step 1: Import

import  MapplsUIWidgets  from  'mappls-search-widgets-react-native'
import  MapplsGL  from  'mappls-map-react-native';

Step 2. Initialization

Initialize the SDK with your keys.

// for map sdk
MapplsGL.setMapSDKKey(mapSDKKey);//place your mapsdkKey
MapplsGL.setRestAPIKey(restAPIKey);//your restApiKey
MapplsGL.setAtlasClientId(atlasClientId);//your atlasClientId key
MapplsGL.setAtlasClientSecret(atlasClientSecret); //your atlasClientSecret key

Step 3: Use MapplsUIWidgets.PlacePicker

	resultCallback={(res) =>


Request Props

  1. center :(number) place picker center coordinate(optional) note- if center is not provided map will zoom to current location of user.

  2. zoom:(number) place picker map zoom level (optional)

  3. pickerImage :place picker marker image. You can use static images or image urls.(optional)
  4. searchWidgetProps :(object) custom configuration for search widget props inside place picker.(optional)
  5. resultCallback:(function) returns result of place picker

Step 4. Use MapplsUIWidgets.searchWidget

	const  res = await  MapplsUIWidgets.searchWidget({toolbarColor:'#F5F5F5'});
	//Do something with result
	//error logs

Search Widget Request Properties

  1. location(Array): set location around which your search will appear. Ex. [77.56,28.34]

  2. filter(String): this parameter helps you restrict the result either by mentioning a bounded area or to certain eloc (6 digit code to any poi, locality, city, etc.), below mentioned are the both types:

    • filter = bounds: lat1, lng1; lat2, lng2 (latitude, longitude) {e.g. filter("bounds: 28.598882, 77.212407; 28.467375, 77.353513")

    • filter = cop: {eloc} (string) {e.g. filter("cop:YMCZ0J")

  3. historyCount(number): Maximum number of history results appear. (Android )

  4. zoom(number): takes the zoom level of the current scope of the map (min: 4, max: 18).

  5. saveHistory(Boolean): If it sets to true it shows the history selected data. (Android )

  6. pod(String): 1. it takes in the place type code which helps in restricting the results to certain chosen type. Below mentioned are the codes for the pod

    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_SUB_LOCALITY
    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_LOCALITY
    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_CITY
    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_VILLAGE
    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_SUB_DISTRICT
    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_DISTRICT
    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_STATE
    • MapplsUIWidgets.POD_SUB_SUB_LOCALITY
  7. tokenizeAddress(Boolean): provides the different address attributes in a structured object.

  8. backgroundColor(HexColor): to set the background color of the widget

  9. toolbarColor(HexColor): to set the toolbar color of the widget.

  10. hint(String): To set the hint on the Search view of the widget.

For any queries and support, please contact:

Email us at apisupport@mappls.com

npm.io Support Need support? contact us!

