1.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

marduk v1.3.0

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Last release
8 years ago


npm install marduk -g

marduk is an attempt to make working with babel.js easier through providing sane configuration for a new or existing project.

marduk employs babel-presets-es2015 as the target transpilation for both es6 and es7


> marduk --help                                                                             !5015

  Usage: marduk [options] [command]


    setup|init [dir]            quick initialize a babel project in [dir] (current directory will be used if not passed)
    settings                    list your settings
    settings:set <key> <value>  change a setting
    settings:unset <key>        delete a setting


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

ES6 default

es6 is the default standard for marduk upon installation.

It will create a project structure like:

> tree .  
  ├── es6 [es6 source files]
  │   ├── index.js
  │   └── README.md
  ├── lib [compiled assets]
  │   └── index.js
  └── package.json
  └── .babelrc


You can choose to use the es7 by setting your default via:

marduk settings:set standard es7

In es7 mode the project structure that marduk generates looks like this:

> tree .  
  ├── es7 [es7 source files]
  │   ├── index.js
  │   └── README.md
  ├── lib [compiled assets]
  │   └── index.js
  └── package.json
  └── .babelrc


marduk will also patch your package.json with:

  • necessary devDependencies

  • necessary dependencies

  • scripts (compile, watch, test, test-watch, preversion)

  • config (for the $in and $out dirs to compile from and to)

The exact preconfigurations for a patch can be found here

Patched Scripts

All tests are mocha driven and able to be written in es6/es7.

test-watch command patches in a mocha watcher with growl notifications


I do not use ES7 personally, but felt it important to attempt to support, and while I tested it with a few basic ES7 test examples locally and everything seemed fine, I am unsure of if I missed anything in regards to babel es7 best practices.

Sane reasons and discussions concerning the default configurations are appreciated.

Missing Features

local git-based configurations that people/organizations can share tests