0.3.3 • Published 7 years ago

markdown-it-html5-embed-hazaker v0.3.3

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Last release
7 years ago


This is a plugin for markdown-it which adds support for embedding audio/video in the HTML5 way


node.js, bower:

npm install markdown-it-html5-embed --save
bower install markdown-it-html5-embed --save


var md = require('markdown-it')()
            .use(require('markdown-it-html5-embed'), {
              html5embed: {
                useImageSyntax: true, // Enables video/audio embed with ![]() syntax (default)
                useLinkSyntax: true   // Enables video/audio embed with []() syntax

md.render('![](http://example.com/file.webm)'); // => '<p><video width="320" height="240" class="audioplayer" controls>
                                                // <source type="video/webm" src=https://example.com/file.webm></source>
                                                // untitled video
                                                // </video></p>'


####useImageSyntax (or use_image_syntax)

Boolean. Enables video/audio embed with ![]() syntax (default)

####useLinkSyntax (or use_link_syntax)

Boolean. Enables video/audio embed with []() syntax


Hash array. Attribute to pass to audio/video tag. Example:

    attributes: {
      'audio': 'width="320" controls class="audioplayer"',
      'video': 'width="320" height="240" class="audioplayer" controls'

If not specified, the default value of controls preload="metadata" is used.

####isAllowedMimeType (or is_allowed_mime_type)

Function. If specified, allows to decided basing on the MIME type, wheter to embed element or not. If not, all audio/video content is embedded. In a web browser you can use following code to embed only supported media type:

      is_allowed_mime_type: function(mimetype) {
        var v = document.createElement(mimetype[1]);
        return v.canPlayType && v.canPlayType(mimetype[0]) !== '';

This way, all unsupported media will be rendered with defualt renderer (e.g., as a link, if use_link_syntax is true).

The argument is a result of regexp match, and has a structure similar to that one:

[ 'audio/mpeg',
  index: 0,
  input: 'audio/mpeg' ]


String. If the plugin is used in a Rails asset pipeline along with the handlebars_assets gem, then you can use a Handlebars template to control the output of the plugin. This option specifies the name of the template to use, which will be picked from the HandlebarsTemplates array.


Based on the code written by @v3ss0n.