0.8.1 • Published 5 years ago

markdown-site-generator v0.8.1

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5 years ago

Markdown Site Generator

A markdown site generator which generates static sites, supporting the no-trailing-slash mode, and can be used to generate blog sites.


  • Parse markdown document metadata.
  • Parse folder/index.json metadata.


Install via npm globally:

sudo npm install markdown-site-generator --global

Install to your local markdown site locally:

npm install markdown-site-generator --save-dev

After installation, you will get the generate-md-site command available.

Get Started

Run the generate-md-site --init My-Blogs to generate a markdown site for test, and you will follow the built-in instructions to get started.

Run the generate-md-site My-Blogs to build your markdown site(, and then you may host the generated site).


Run the generate-md-site --help to get available options and usage examples like shown following:

fisher@zb ~/workspace $ generate-md-site

 ›   Please specify the target dir for your markdown site.

A markdown site generator which generates static sites, supporting the *no-trailing-slash* mode, and can be used to generate blog sites.

  $ generate-md-site [TARGET-DIR]

  TARGET-DIR  the site/configs entrance to be resolved and parsed.

  -h, --help        print the usage document for help.
  -i, --init        initialize a new or an existed markdown site with prompts and the default configures.
  -n, --no-writing  build markdown site without writing to disk.
  -p, --print       print out the resolved structure of your markdown site without building.
  -s, --silent      use the silent mode, with no output.
  -t, --test        test your configs and stat out the structure of your markdown site without building.
  -v, --version     print the version information.
  -x, --verbose     use the verbose mode, with rich output.

  The *Markdown Site Generator* supports sites in the following three different modes:

  1. The     **Dot  HTML**     Mode:  In this mode, every markdown file is rendered directly to the corresponding HTML file.
  2. The  **Trailing  Slash**  Mode:  This mode abandons the ending *.html* and appends a trailing slash to the URL.
  3. The **No Trailing Slash** Mode:  Site generated and hosted in the *no-trailing-slash* mode has no trailing slash in the URL.


  $ generate-md-site .                     # build your markdown site and generate a static site.

  $ generate-md-site --init .              # initialize an existed markdown site with prompts and the default configures.
  $ generate-md-site --init <site-name>    # create a new markdown demo site with prompts and the default configures.
  $ generate-md-site --test .              # test configs without building site.
  $ generate-md-site --print .             # print the resolved site structure.
  $ generate-md-site --no-writing .        # build markdown site without writing to disk.
  $ generate-md-site --no-cache .          # build markdown site without cache( of static assets).

  $ generate-md-site --version             # print the version of the markdown site generator.
  $ generate-md-site --help                # print the help document of the markdown site generator.

Site Configures

The site configures may consist of the following fields:

The mark "- [x]" stands for required field while "- [ ]" stands for optional field.

  • title - The site title.
  • inputDir - The root dir of your markdown site.
  • outputDir - The root dir of the generated site.
  • mdPageTemplate - The template(using the ejs engine) for the rendered markdown document.

Here is a demo of configurations:

// configs/index.js
'use strict';

const path = require('path');
// The selected configs of selected theme(github), which take cares of used templates and selected mode.
// Merge it into the site configures to make it work(, and existed configures may be overridden).
const configures = require('./github/dot-html-templates/configs');

// The default configs for the markdown site.
module.exports = Object.assign({
	title: 'My Awesome Blogs',

	inputDir: path.resolve(__dirname, '..'),
	outputDir: path.resolve(__dirname, '../.site'),

	// Filter out some files or folders.
	nameFilters: [
		(name) => name.startsWith('_reserve'),
		(name) => ['backups', 'README.md', 'Drafts', 'logs'].includes(name),
	nameConverter: (name) => name.toLowerCase(),

	/* The following configures will be overridden by the configures of selected theme. */
	/* Modify the selected configures directly to customize site's templates and mode. */

	// The configures of the site building mode, which will be overridden by the selected mode.
	// Generate site in the dot-html mode, if true, and !trailingSlash and !noTrailingSlash.
	dotHTML: false,
	// Generate site in the trailing-slash mode, if true and !noTrailingSlash.
	trailingSlash: false,
	// Generate site in the no-trailing-slash mode, if true.
	noTrailingSlash: false,

	// The configures of templates and assets used, which will be overridden by the selected templates.
	assetsDir: path.resolve(__dirname, 'not-existed/assets'),
	mdPageTemplate: path.resolve(__dirname, 'not-existed/templates/page.ejs'),
	mdListTemplate: path.resolve(__dirname, 'not-existed/templates/list.ejs'),
}, configures);

Modes of the Markdown Site Generator

  • The Dot HTML Mode: In this mode, every markdown file is rendered directly to the corresponding HTML file.
  • The Trailing Slash Mode: This mode abandons the ending .html and appends a trailing slash to the URL.
  • The No Trailing Slash Mode: Site generated and hosted in the no-trailing-slash mode has no trailing slash in the URL.

(Blog) Site Structure

The site structure of your original content and the generated.

  • A Demo Markdown Site - Index.md - README.md - Test-File.md - Test-Folder.md - Test-Folder - Index.md - Test-Folder.md - Test-File.md - Test-File.any
  • Rendering in the Dot HTML Mode and Host Normally - index.html / - readme.html /readme.html - test-file.html /test-file.html - test-folder.html /test-folder.html - test-folder - index.html /test-folder/ - test-folder.html /test-folder/test-folder.html - test-file.html /test-file.html - test-file.any /test-file.any
  • Rendering in the Trailing Slash Mode and Host Normally - index.html / - readme - index.html /readme/ - test-file - index.html /test-file/ - test-folder - index.html /test-folder/ - test-folder - index.html /test-folder/test-folder/ - test-file - index.html /test-file/ - test-file.any /test-file.any
  • Rendering in the No Trailing Slash Mode and Host in the No Trailing Slash Mode - index.html / - readme - readme.html /readme - test-file - test-file.html /test-file - test-folder - test-folder.html /test-folder - the original test-folder/test-folder.md is rendered prior to the test-folder/index.md. - test-file - test-file.html /test-folder/test-file - test-file.any /test-folder/test-file.any
