0.0.4 • Published 6 years ago
marshalling-binary-struct-js v0.0.4
Allows projecting native structures onto structures of a typed array.
- Status: pre alpha
const StructJS = require("marshalling-binary-struct-js");
const structJS = new StructJS();
typedef int32le i32;
typedef struct {
cstring_utf8 myString[256];
i32 index;
i32 flags;
i32 flags2;
struct {
float32le x;
float32le y;
float32le z;
} pos;
} tmp_t;
typedef tmp_t array_of_tmp_t[1024];
const Marshalling = structJS.compile();
const ab = new ArrayBuffer(Marshalling.array_of_tmp_t._size);
const marshal = new Marshalling(ab);
const arrayTmp = new marshal.array_of_tmp_t(0);
let i = 0;
for(const tmp of arrayTmp) {
tmp.myString = `tmp string for ${i}`;
tmp.index = i;
tmp.flags |= 1;
tmp.flags2 |= 0xF5890;
tmp.pos.x = 2;
tmp.pos.y = 2;
tmp.pos.z = 2;
console.log( arrayTmp.get(100).myString );
console.log( arrayTmp.get(100).index );
Base types
int8le int16le int32le int64le uint8le uint16le uint32le uint64le
int8be int16be int32be int64be uint8be uint16be uint32be uint64be
/// alias le
int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64
int8 int16 int32 int64 uint8 uint16 uint32 uint64
/// alias int32le
Author: RainNeko