1.1.0 • Published 3 years ago

mass-install v1.1.0

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Last release
3 years ago


A package for recursively detecting package.json files and installing dependencies

For use in monorepos or projects with multiple package.json files. mass-install will navigate the project structure and install dependencies for each specific directory.

Running the application

npm install mass-install

Run the command mass-install to begin dependency installation.

If a .gitignore file is detected in the root of the project, the mass-install script will ask the user if they want to add the newly generated node_modules directories to it. These changes will be appended to the bottom of the .gitignore file. mass-install will scan the existing .gitignore to avoid adding duplicates to the file.

Example Formatting:

# Automatically added by mass-install

The .gitignore prompt can be bypassed by running the command as mass-install --no-update.


3 years ago


3 years ago