1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

massivedanger-tslint-config v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago

= Massive Danger TSLint Config

Just a simple extension of the recommended TSLint config to suit my tastes.

== Changes from the Recommended rules

  • Requires newline at end of file
  • Interface names are never prefixed
  • Member access is always explicit
  • No namespaces
  • No string literal access
  • Object literal key quotes are only used as needed
  • No object literal key sorting
  • catch, finally, and else are on the same line as the preceding braces
  • String templates are prefered for concatenation, but simple, two-string concatenation is allowed
  • Single quotes are used, but escaping should be avoided
  • No semicolons ever
  • Always put spaces before function definitions
  • No trailing commas