1.0.5 • Published 8 years ago

matchie v1.0.5

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Last release
8 years ago


Deep JavaScript object comparison library.

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npm install matchie

Basic Usage

var matchie = require('matchie');
var same = matchie(value, matcher);

This will do a deep comparison of the value against the matcher. The matcher can be a simple value, or an object with utility functions as listed below.

Deep Object Comparison

var matcher = { a: 1, b: 1 };

matchie({a: 1}, matcher); // false
matchie({a: 1, b: 1}, matcher); // true
matchie({a: 1, b: 1, c: 1}, matcher); // false

Utility Function Usage

var matcher = matchie.or(matchie.between(5, 10), 15);

matchie(0, matcher); // false
matchie(5, matcher); // true
matchie(10, matcher); // false
matchie(15, matcher); // true

Deep Object Comparison with Utility Functions

var matcher = { a: matchie.unordered([ matchie.is.string, matchie.is.number ]) };

matchie({ a: ['string', 5] }, matcher); // true
matchie({ a: [5, 'string'] }, matcher); // true
matchie({ a: ['string', 5, 5] }, matcher); // false
matchie({ b: ['string', 5] }, matcher); // false

Date Support

The base matching logic, as well as between, gt, gte, lt, lte, outside will compare the value of the Date object. However, equals and same will compare the reference of the Date object, and not its value.

var a = new Date('2012-05-01');
var b = new Date('2013-06-02');
var c = new Date('2013-06-02');

matchie(a, b); // false
matchie(b, c); // true
matchie(a, matchie.lt(c)); // true
matchie(b, matchie.lt(c)); // false
matchie(b, matchie.equals(c)); // FALSE
matchie(c, matchie.equals(c)); // true
matchie(b, matchie.matches(c)); // true

Utility Functions

matchie.and(args...) matchie.all(args...) Requires all of the provided arguments to match the value.

matchie.between(a, b) Requires the value to be between the provided bounds of [a, b) (The a bound is inclusive and the b bound is exclusive.)

matchie.contains(a) If a and value are both strings, then a must be found within value. If the value is an array, then an element within the array must match a. Otherwise, this will return false.

matchie.equals(a) Requires a weak comparison (==) between value and a.

matchie.gt(num) Requires the value to be greater than num.

matchie.gte(num) Requires the value to be greater than or equal to num.

matchie.hasProperty(key, val) Requires the value to have the specified key, with it matching val.

matchie.in(arr) Requires the value to match at least one of the elements in arr.

matchie.instanceOf(cls) Requires the value to be an instance of cls. (Cannot be serialized.)

matchie.lt(num) Requires the value to be less than num.

matchie.lte(num) Requires the value to be less than or equal to num.

matchie.matches(matcher) Requires the value to match matcher. (For the purposes of convincing jasmine2-matchie to use matchie as the equality comparator.)

matchie.maybe(val) Requires the value to be undefined, or match val.

matchie.none(args...) Requires none of the provided arguments to match the value.

matchie.not(matcher) Inverts the value of the provided matcher.

matchie.or(args...) Requires any of the provided arguments to match the value.

matchie.outside(a, b) Requires the value to be between the provided bounds of (-Inf, a) or [b, Inf) (This is the inverse of the .between function.)

matchie.partial(arg) matchie.has(arg) If arg and value are both arrays, each element in arg must match an element in value. If arg and value are both object, each key in arg must match a key in value. Otherwise, this will return false.

matchie.same(obj) Requires a strong comparison (===) between value and a.

matchie.typeOf(type) Requires the value to have the type of type.

matchie.unordered(arg) If arg and value are both arrays, arg and value must contain the same set of elements, however, the order is not important. Otherwise, this will return false.

matchie.xor(args...) matchie.one(args...) matchie.single(args...) Requires exactly one of the provided arguments to match the value.

Lodash Wrappers

For the sake of serialization, many of lodash's functions are available through the matchie.is.??? object.

Matchie FunctionLodash Function

Converter Functions

Sometimes the value will not be in a sensible format to then compare against your matcher. Converters allow you to convert the input value to a different type before performing the matcher comparison.

Converter FunctionLodash Equivalent

There is also matchie.as.json which parses the input through JSON.parse, and presents an object. If the input string cannot be parsed, this matcher will return false instead, with no comparisons performed with its value.

JSON Input example

var matcher = matchie.as.json(matchie.has({a: 1}));

matchie('{"a": 1, "b": 1}', matcher); // true
matchie('{"a": 2, "b": 1}', matcher); // false
matchie('{crazy: value: pair}', matcher); // false


If you need to store a matcher object as string, you can use matchie.serialize(matcher) and matchie.deserialize(string). (NOTE: Not all utility functions can be serialized!)


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago


8 years ago