1.2.2 • Published 7 years ago

matchpattern v1.2.2

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Last release
7 years ago


matchpattern is a library enabling performing pattern matching.


import { match, when } from 'matchpattern'

const response = { status: 200, body: 'hello world' }

const result = match(response, [

    when `{ status: 200, body: contents }`(
        ({contents}) => contents

    when `{ status: status, body: _ }` (
        ({status}) => throw new Error(`HTTP ${status}`)
    when `_` (
        () => throw new Error('Malformed response object')


console.log(result) // 'hello world'

run this live on https://runkit.com/arturkulig/591af15f6f769e0011ed7910

...also factorial function can be implemented with matchpattern...

import { match, when } from 'matchpattern'

function fact(n) {
  return match(n, [
    when `0` (1),
    when `_` (() => n * fact(n-1))

...although it is probably not the best idea as it is much slower than regular solution. It is definitely a tool to speed up developement and improve readability of code, rather than execution time.


Matching simple strings and numbers can be done, but simple cases switch statement will be a better choice.

match objects

import { match, when } from 'matchpattern'

    match(someObject, [

        // print whats at someObject.a.b.c
        when `{a:{b:{c: namedValue}}}` (({namedValue}) => namedValue),

        // print someObject object, but leave 'a' property if that matches
        when `{a: 1, ...namedValue}` (({namedValue}) => namedValue),

        // print true if someObject.a === 1 and b is actually sameOtherObject
        when `{a: 1, b: ${someOtherObject}}` (true),


match arrays

import { match, when } from 'matchpattern'

    match(someArray, [
        // print a value pulled from someArray[4][1] when someArray[4][0] === 200
        // while not checking someArray length
        when`[_, _, _, _, [200, value], ...]`(({value}) => value)

        // print a tuple with first element and array containing all other values in original order
        when`[head, ...tail]`(({head, tail}) => [head, tail])

        // print someArray when it is an empty array

match references

When you break a template with a inserted value, matchpattern will use strict equation to compare these

import { match, when } from 'matchpattern'

const someObject = {a: 1}

someObject === match([someObject], [
]) // true

Although as rules are applied from top to bottom, similarity will win over reference as reference will never be checked if such rule is lower than one that is satisfied.

import { match, when } from 'matchpattern'

const someObject = {a: 1}

someObject === match([someObject], [
    when`[{a: 1}]`('oops!')
]) // false


If match is passed only matchers, it returns a function that can perform the match, but awaits for input.

import { match, when } from 'matchpattern'

[1, 'foo', 3].map(match([
    when`n`(({n}) => n * 2)

simple checks

Two handy functions are at your disposal in case of simpler checks, when there are only two outcomes (true/false).

import { is, isNot } from 'matchpattern'

let includeTwo = [1, 2, 3].filter(is`2`) // [2]
let excludeTwo = [1, 2, 3].filter(isNot`2`) // [1, 3]

These can also be used with plain switch statement like this:

switch (true) {
    case is`0`(num): {
        // do sth special for 0
    case is`1`(num): {
        // do sth special for 1
    case (typeof num === number) {
        // do sth for other numbers
    default: {
        throw new Error('NaN')


420numberMatches a number
"yolo"stringMatches a string
{a: 1}objectMatches an object with exact keys as in pattern and matching values
%ResponseclassMatches a value when is an instance of a class named like token after %. Works with reference tokens like %${Response}. Can be followed by any complementary pattern as in %Response{status: 200, ...}.
[1]arrayMatches an array with exactly same value and therefore - length
_any valueMatches everything. Useful when matching objects and arrays.
nullnullMatches only null.
[a-zA-Z0-9]outputMatch any value and export using provided name to condition handler
...foldMatches any remaining values in object and arrays
...[a-zA-Z0-9]named foldMatches any remaining values in object and arrays, then exports these to condition handler


npm install --save matchpattern


Following table represents timings of execution with different number of these executions following another immediately. Caching relates to caching parsed expressions passed to when as tagged template string.

run 100000 times

cachedmethodexecution time of a match case
uncached(first run)206.489 µs
cachedaverage2.141 µs
cachedmedian1.923 µs

run 10000 times

cachedmethodexecution time of a match case
uncached(first run)147.627 µs
cachedaverage2.274 µs
cachedmedian2.092 µs

run 1000 times

cachedmethodexecution time of a match case
uncached(first run)174.146 µs
cachedaverage3 µs
cachedmedian2.319 µs

run 100 times

cachedmethodexecution time of a match case
uncached(first run)62.234 µs
cachedaverage2.826 µs
cachedmedian1.98 µs

run 10 times

cachedmethodexecution time of a match case
uncached(first run)105.072 µs
cachedaverage4.031 µs
cachedmedian3.672 µs

Measurements got on Mid 2014 MacBook Pro (2,8 GHz Intel Core i5)


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago


7 years ago