2.1.1 • Published 3 years ago

mati-mix v2.1.1

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Last release
3 years ago

What is Mati Mix?

Mati Mix provides a clean API for using Webpack. It is based on Laravel Mix. It adds many pre-defined options in the configuration and new possibilities.

Thanks to it, using Laravel Mix and Webpack becomes even easier :heart:




Run command in console:

npm install --save-dev mati-mix

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Create webpack.mix.js file in the directory of your project:

 * @see https://github.com/gbiorczyk/mati-mix/
const mix = require( 'mati-mix' );

Add to your package.json file scripts list (you can use default list generated by Laravel installation):

"scripts": {
	"dev": "mix",
	"watch": "mix watch",
	"prod": "mix --production"

And browserslist:

"browserslist": [
	"chrome 80",
	"firefox 72",
	"safari 13",
	"edge 80",
	"ie 11"

Of course, give your list of browsers.

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A demo with an example of use can be found here. Take advantage and make your work easier :trophy:

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By default, Media Queries in CSS are sorted by the desktop first approach. If you prefer mobile first then add:


Would you like to use Browsersync? Use the following function by specifying your proxy and a list of files to be refreshed live:


To use aliases in JS, you must define them in the configuration:

mix.aliases( {
	'class': __dirname + '/_dev/js/classes',
} );

By default versioning is turned off. If you want to enable them, enter the code:


That's all! The rest of the configuration is handled by Mati Mix :heart_eyes:

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Available methods

By using the package you have access to the following functions of Laravel Mix:

mix.sass( src, output );Docs
mix.js( src, output );Docs
mix.scripts( src, output );Docs
mix.webpackConfig( config );Docs

As src parameter we give the path to the file or an array with paths (it works only for methods where you can specify array of paths). It's the same as in Laravel Mix, but here you can use globally file loading, for example:


If you would like to use Laravel Mix directly, nothing prevents me from doing so. You have a global handler available all the time, which stores Laravel Mix instance:


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Extra features

• Globally SASS loader

In your SASS file you can load files globally. To do it instead of the standard notation:

@import 'sections/example1';
@import 'sections/example2';
@import 'sections/example2';
// ...

you can load files from the entire directory dynamically:

@import 'sections/*';
// or
@import 'sections/**/*';

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Built-In config

When using Laravel Mix, you must add at least a few lines of configuration.


:warning: Do not enter below codes in your configuration (they are included automatically).


Here's what Mati Mix will do for you:

• Disabling notification


• Setting default output path

.setPublicPath( '/' );

• Generating Source Maps (inline mode) only in development environment

if ( this.mix.inProduction() ) {
	.webpackConfig( {
		devtool: 'inline-source-map',
	} );

• Disabling generation of Manifest files (if versioning is disabled)

Mix.manifest.refresh = () => { void 0; };

• Easily adding aliases in JS

.webpackConfig( {
	resolve: {
		extensions: [ '.js', '.vue', '.json' ],
		alias: ${list],
} );

• Running Browsersync

.browserSync( {
	port: 3000,
	open: false,
} );

• Babel configuration based on browserslist from package.json

.babelConfig( {
	'presets': [
				targets: JSON.parse( require( 'fs' ).readFileSync( './package.json' ) ).browserslist
} );

• Removing console.* from JS files (in production environment)

.options( {
	terser: {
		terserOptions: {
			compress: { drop_console: true },
} );

• Ability to import SCSS files globally

.webpackConfig( {
	module: {
		rules: [
				test: /\.scss$/,
				loader: 'import-glob-loader',
} );

How to use in SASS?

@import 'settings/*';
@import 'tools/*';
@import 'generic/*';
@import 'ui/*';
@import 'layout/*';
@import 'components/*';
@import 'sections/*';

• Launching Autoprefixer and combine Media Queries in CSS

.options( {
	postCss: [
		require( 'autoprefixer' )( { cascade: false } ),
		require( 'css-mqpacker' )( {
			sort: isDesktopFirst ? mqSort.desktopFirst : mqSort,
		} ),
} );

• Turning off URL processing in CSS

.options( {
	processCssUrls: false,
} );

See how many lines of the configuration code you save. You do not have to enter them manually because they are added automatically.

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Do you have any problem or idea for the development of Mati Mix? Let us know about it and create a new issue.

Thank you very much for this :heart: Thanks also to Jeffrey for Laravel Mix.

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© 2021 by Mateusz Gbiorczyk. The MIT License.