2.1.0 • Published 4 years ago
mbox-to-json v2.1.0
Mbox To Json
mbox-to-json is a really simple package to transform mbox files to json.
yarn add mbox-to-json
# or
npm install mbox-to-json
If you are using typescript please run
yarn add -D @types/mbox-to-json
# or
npm install @types/mbox-to-json --save-dev
Example 1:
Get all mails in a mbox file
import { mboxParser } from "../src/Parser";
// here stream is a ReadStream to your mbox file
mboxParser(stream).then((mails) => {
Example 2:
Get a specific page of a specific size in your mbox file
First page is at number 1
import { mboxParser } from "../src/Parser";
// here stream is a ReadStream to your mbox file
mboxParser(stream, {
pageSize: 20, // Number of mail to return
pageNumber: 4 // Index of the 'page' you want
}).then((mails) => {