1.0.0 • Published 8 years ago

mcpe-anvil v1.0.0

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8 years ago


NPM version

LevelDB and NBT storage provider implementation in Node for MCPE

Anvil API


Build an anvil: provide loading and saving of chunks in all regions in path

Anvil.saveRaw(x, z, type, data)

Takes an MCPE anvil chunk either terrain (0x30), tile entity (0x31) or entity data (0x32) and saves it to the overworld.

Anvil.loadRaw(x, z, type)

Returns a promise containing the chunk data at x, z or null if that chunk isn't saved

Anvil.saveNetherRaw(x, z, type)

Takes an MCPE anvil chunk either terrain (0x30), tile entity (0x31) or entity data (0x32) and saves it to the nether.

Anvil.loadNetherRaw(x, z, type)

Returns a promise containing the chunk data at x, z or null if that chunk isn't saved in the nether

Level API


Writes to a little-endian encoded level.dat file containing the following values (these values are examples from our world, values may vary but names will stay the same):

{ DayCycleStopTime: -1,
  GameType: 0,
  Generator: 1,
  LastPlayed: [ 0, 1460319360 ],
  LevelName: 'My World',
  LimitedWorldOriginX: 12,
  LimitedWorldOriginY: 128,
  LimitedWorldOriginZ: 4,
  NetworkVersion: 46,
  Platform: 2,
  RandomSeed: [ 0, 276131071 ],
  SpawnX: 12,
  SpawnY: 128,
  SpawnZ: 4,
  StorageVersion: 4,
  Time: [ 0, 63 ],
  currentTick: [ 0, 63 ],
  eduLevel: 0,
  hasBeenLoadedInCreative: 0,
  lightningLevel: 0,
  lightningTime: 95937,
  rainLevel: 0,
  rainTime: 47937,
  spawnMobs: 1,
  worldStartCount: [ 0, -2 ] }

level.writeLevel(path, value)

Writes to a little-endian encoded level.dat file containing the same values as the example above


We've got a couple of examples for you, check these out

Or check this out:

'use strict';
var level = require('../index').level;

  .then(data => {
    level.writeLevel('world/level.dat', data).catch(err => console.log(err.stack));