0.0.7 • Published 8 months ago

mcrscaffolder v0.0.7

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Last release
8 months ago

Minecraft Resourcepack Scaffolder

This tool allows you to easily scaffold (creating the initial file directories) and later manage & develop your resource pack.

Usage & Explanations

Install with : npm install mcrscaffolder.

Execute npx mcrs --help to see help options.

Main menu options

After you first create a new project or open an existing one, you will be presented with several options in the main menu.

New ItemDownloads & adds the textures used for a given block into the project
New BlockDownloads & adds the textures used for a given block into the project
New TextureDownloads & adds a new texture into the project.
New Shader(1.17+) Downloads & adds the shader files for a given shader
Watch & Sync(in development) Watches the project files for changes and sync them to the minecraft resource pack folder.Hence you only need to reload (and equip) the resource pack (F3+T) to see the changes.
SettingsFor development and other stuff
Exit (Ctrl+C)Exits the program

The New Item & New Block options exists as New Texture only adds a single texture whereas New Item & New Block may add multiple textures if needed for the specific block/item


This project relies on data provided by https://github.com/misode/mcmeta repository

Planned features

1. Dynamic Scaffolding

Creates the necessary file structure needed for the resourcepack.

It will dynamically create file structure as needed for the various types of resources.

For example: When you want to create , for example, lets say a diamond sword texture, you do something like:

// Insert mcrs cli here

> create item <insert id for diamond sword>

And then it will create the files (and parent folders) needed for the diamond sword texture

2. File Watch & Sync

When changes are made, it copies them from your development folder and into minecraft's resourcepacks folder. This allows you to:

  1. Develop your resourcepack in another file location.
  2. Not manually copy files back and forth. You only need to reload the resourcepack in minecraft ( with F3 + T )