0.1.6 • Published 10 years ago
mct-core v0.1.6
Copyright (c) 2014 M-Way Solutions GmbH. Licensed under the MIT license.
- mcap is always needed
- yo === yeoman global
- at the moment we have to available choices "m" or "server" yo:m view yo:server endpoint
- is optional client or server
mcap new <projectname>
//view available gen commands https://github.com/mwaylabs/generator-m/blob/master/README.md
mcap yo:<generator> view <view name>
//view available gen commands https://github.com/mwaylabs/generator-m-server/blob/master/README.md
mcap yo:server endpoint <endpoint name>
//start gulp default task client and server task
mcap gulp
//start gulp default on state
mcap gulp:<state>
//start gulp <task> on client and server
mcap gulp watch
//start gulp:<state> <task> on client
mcap gulp:client watch
// create a model in client and server
mcap model <modelname>
mcap server
mcap new