1.0.2 • Published 8 years ago
md-chips-select v1.0.2
The Angularjs module - Learn from Angular Material, and add a multi-select menu to md-chips. Demo in Codepen
You can install the package via npm
npm install md-chips-select
or via bower
bower install md-chips-select
Include the md-chips-select.js and md-chips-select.css in the HTML file
Inject the modules "ngAnimate" & "md.chips.select" when you initialize the app.
angular.module("yourApp", ['ngAnimate', 'md.chips.select']);
Add an array for ngModel (selected) in your controller
$scope.selectedItems = []
Add an array for select-items
$scope.listItems = [{
name: "Mini Cooper",
id: 0
}, {
name: "Lexus IS250",
id: 1
}, {
name: "Ford F150",
id: 2
}, {
name: "Toyota Prius",
id: 3