0.2.6 • Published 9 years ago

md-color-picker v0.2.6

Weekly downloads
Last release
9 years ago


Angular-Material based color picker with no jQuery or other DOM/utility library dependencies.

NPM version BOWER version



Try out the demo here: GitHub Page



  1. Download tinycolor.js 1.2.1 or higher. Other versions may work, though 1.2.1 was used to develop this.
  2. Install md-color-picker.
npm install md-color-picker

Bower (includes tinycolor.js):

bower install md-color-picker

Angular dependencies

Other dependencies

The only other dependency is tinycolor.js which is an exceptional color manipulation library.


  • Include the css.
<link href="path/to/md-color-picker/dist/mdColorPicker.min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
  • Include the javascript.
<script src="path/to/tinycolor/dist/tinycolor-min.js"></script>
<script src="path/to/md-color-picker/dist/mdColorPicker.min.js"></script>
  • Add dependencies to your application (ngCookies is optional)
var app = angular.module('myApp', ['ngMaterial','ngCookies', 'mdColorPicker']);
  • Place the directive wherever it is needed. note: this breaks the old version 0.1 as it now uses ng-model instead of value
<div md-color-picker ng-model="valueObj"></div>


Options may be set either by an options object on the md-color-picker attribute and/or using attributes. If an option is present on both the options object and as an attribute, the attribute will take precedence.

Setting options by scope object

// Controller
$scope.scopeVariable.options = {
    label: "Choose a color",
    icon: "brush",
    default: "#f00",
    genericPalette: false,
    history: false
<div md-color-picker="scopeVariable.options" ng-model="scopeVariable.color"></div>

Setting options by attribute

    label="Choose a color"
Option Object nameAttribute Option nameTypeDefaultDescription
typetypeInt0Default output type. 0: hex, 1: rgb, 2: hsl
labellabelString""The lable for the input.
iconiconString""Material Icon name. https://design.google.com/icons/
randomrandomBooleanfalseSelect a random color on open
defaultdefaultColor"rgb(255,255,255)"Default color
openOnInputopen-on-inputBooleantrueOpen color picker when user clicks on the input field. If disabled, color picker will only open when clicking on the preview.
hasBackdrophas-backdropBooleantrueDialog Backdrop. https://material.angularjs.org/latest/api/service/$mdDialog
clickOutsideToCloseclick-outside-to-closeBooleantrueDialog click outside to close. https://material.angularjs.org/latest/api/service/$mdDialog
skipHideskip-hideBooleantrueAllows for opening multiple dialogs. https://github.com/angular/material/issues/7262
preserveScopepreserve-scopeBooleantrueDialog preserveScope. https://material.angularjs.org/latest/api/service/$mdDialog
clearButtonmd-color-clear-buttonBooleantrueShow the "clear" button inside of the input.
previewmd-color-previewBooleantrueShow the color preview circle next to the input.
alphaChannelmd-color-alpha-channelBooleantrueEnable alpha channel.
spectrummd-color-spectrumBooleantrueShow the spectrum tab.
slidersmd-color-slidersBooleantrueShow the sliders tab.
genericPalettemd-color-generic-paletteBooleantrueShow the generic palette tab.
materialPalettemd-color-material-paletteBooleantrueShow the material colors palette tab.
historymd-color-historyBooleantrueShow the history tab.
defaultTabmd-color-default-tabString, Int"spectrum"Which tab should be selected when opening. Can either be a string or index. If the value is an index, do not count hidden/disabled tabs. spectrumslidersgenericPalettematerialPalettehistory


This is still in a very early beta, and is rapidly changing (3 versions before initial commit). I am open to any and all help anyone is willing to put in. Will update as we go.

Known issues / TODO

  • Prevent focus from opening color picker on window/tab activation.
  • Focus on preview input when user starts typing.
  • Clean up code.
    • Javascript
    • CSS / LESS
    • Build script cleaned up and static server integrated for development