1.0.2 • Published 7 years ago

md2html2pdf v1.0.2

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Last release
7 years ago


A command-line tool for converting Markdown to HTML to PDF. You can use it to write documents, web pages, blog posts, resumes, and more in Markdown and convert to different formats for sharing and publishing.


Requires Node 6 or above.

Install wkhtmltopdf for your system: http://wkhtmltopdf.org/downloads.html

Install md2html2pdf globally: npm install -g md2html2pdf


$ md2html2pdf --help

  Usage: md2html2pdf [options] <file>


    -h, --help              output usage information
    -V, --version           output the version number
    -h --html               Convert <file> to HTML
    -p --pdf                Convert <file> to PDF
    -t --title [title]      Title of the generated HTML file
    -s --stylesheet [path]  Stylesheet to apply to generated HTML
    -x --template [path]    Template to use to generate HTML

Basic Examples

To convert the example file from this project, cd example and run:

# Markdown to HTML, creates "example.html"
md2html2pdf --html example.md
# HTML to PDF, creates "example.pdf"
md2html2pdf --pdf example.html
# Markdown to PDF, creates "example.html" and "example.pdf"
md2html2pdf --pdf example.md

Customizing the HTML

Use the --title option to provide a title for the HTML file:

md2html2pdf --title "My Cool File" --html example.md

Use the --stylesheet option to pass in a CSS file you'd like to add to the HTML:

md2html2pdf --stylesheet example.css --html example.md

The HTML file is generated from a simple template. The template uses Mustache and expects the following options:

  • html - The HTML generated from the Markdown
  • css - The CSS read in from the --stylesheet option
  • title - The title of the html page from the --title option (defaults to '')

You can provide your own template file using the --template option:

md2html2pdf --template template.html --html example.md


Fork/clone the project, then:

cd md2html2pdf
# Get nvm: https://github.com/creationix/nvm
nvm use
# Install dependencies
npm install
# Override global executable for testing
npm link
