2.3.0 • Published 8 years ago

mdcss-theme-engage v2.3.0

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Last release
8 years ago

mdcss GitHub

mdcss GitHub is a theme for mdcss based on the documentation styles seen across GitHub.

This version has some minor changes in order to work with the Engage baseplate


Add mdcss and mdcss Engage to your build tool:

npm install mdcss --save-dev
npm install mdcss-theme-engage --save-dev

Whenever mdcss is used, reference this theme.

	theme: require('mdcss-theme-engage')({ /​* options *​/ })



The example keyword is used to render living examples of code in iframes.

<button>This is a button</button>

Specifying a language like example:html generates an example that is then followed by the original code block.

<button>This is a button</button>

Arguments that follow ,name:value may be used to customize the example iframes. For instance, the width or height of an example might be specified so that its contents adhere to a particular breakpoint.

<p>The desktop view.</p>

<p>The tablet view.</p>

<p>The mobile view.</p>


The color keyword is used to generate a visual palette of colors. Arguments that follow @name: value may be used to provide any additional details about a color.

@color: #ffffff @name: White
@color: #f8f8f8 @name: White Smoke
@color: #e7e7e7 @name: Whisper
@color: #777777 @name: Grey
@color: #565454 @name: Matterhorn
@color: #4078c0 @name: Steel Blue
@color: #333333 @name: Night Rider


The order heading detail is used to control the order of sections in the generated style guide. A negative order value will shift the item before non-ordered items, while a positive order value will push the item after non-ordered values.

section: First Section
order: -1

Attached to a subsection, the order detail will control the position of the subsection inside the section.

title:   Last Subsection
section: Third Section
order: 1


Options control the look and feel of the mdcss GitHub theme as well as any iframe examples that may be used.


Type: String
Default: 'Style Guide'

The page title to be used by the style guide.


Type: String
Default: 'mdcss-logo.png'

The page logo to be used by the style guide.


Type: Array
Default: ['style.css']

A list of CSS files to be used by the theme.


Type: Array
Default: []

A list of JavaScript files to be used by the theme.


Type: String
Default: null

The base URL to use for all relative URLs contained within an example, including CSS and JavaScript references.


Type: String
Default: '_self'

The frame to open example hyperlinks from within an example.


Type: Array
Default: ['style.css']

A list of CSS files to be used by examples.


Type: Array
Default: null

A list of JavaScript files to be used by examples.


Type: Array
Default: null

A list of JavaScript files to be used by examples, inserted after the example.


Type: String
Default: 'background:none;border:0;clip:auto;display:block;height:auto;margin:0;padding:0;position:static;width:auto'

A string of styles applied to the <html> wrapping the example. These default styles are used to create a seamless effect with the styleguide.


Type: String
Default: 'background:none;border:0;clip:auto;display:block;height:auto;margin:0;padding:16px;position:static;width:auto'

A string of styles applied to the <body> wrapping the example. These default styles are used to create a seamless effect with the styleguide.