mdo-react-components v2.0.62
MDO Components Node module boilerplate
A boilerplate for all the mdo react components
Instructions for sending repository
All operations is to publish mdo-react-components 1. git checkout develop in local 2. git pull (updated develop) 3. git checkout -b 4. git checkout master 5. git pull (updated master) 7. git checkout 8. git rebase master (merged master to ) 9. if there is conflict, solve it 10. increase one version patch(third number) number in package.json 11. git push 12. compare with develop in remote(github web page) 13. After approval, merge to develop in remote 14. create new pr to compare master with develop in remote. This step shouldn't have any conflict because we already solved it. 15. After two approvals, merge develop to master.
> yarn install
After each change to this repository, please rebuild the boilerplate to make the changes effective using below command
> yarn build
> yalc publish
> cd example && yalc add mdo-react-components
Unit tests
> yarn test
Component folder structure
Here is the default folder and files structure for each component:
- components
-- Example
--- Example.js - this is component implementation
--- styled.js - styles are here, we are using
library --- index.js - import Example.js and maybe other components in this folder and then export them --- tests - folder with tests ---- Example.spec.js - tests for the component
Example component
When developing components follow the guideliens outlined here:
Quick component example is below.
import React, { memo } from "react";
import PropTypes from 'prop-types';
const Example = memo((props) => {
const { prop1, prop2 } = props;
return (
Something Here
Example.displayName = 'Example';
Example.propTypes = {
prop1: PropTypes.number.isRequired, // try to limit the number of required props
prop2: PropTypes.string
Example.defaultProps = {
prop2: 'Default', // Default props only for not required props
import Example from 'Example';
export default Example;
Usage of the mdo-react-components library on other apps
In your application just import the components:
import { DataTable, CheckBox, /* other components */ } from "mdo-react-components";
Follow the guidelines outlined here:
Pull Requests
As soon as you Each pull request must pass a review from another contributor and also pass the automated tests.
Useful links
This repository is protected under the MIT License
3 years ago