0.2.6 • Published 3 years ago

memorycard.js v0.2.6

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Last release
3 years ago

npm version Support Electron Cordova Browsers Backend Server

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Node.js (Electron/Backend-Servers)

npm i memorycard.js --save

Browser CDN


Self-Host / Download

Go to dist folder, download one of the javascript files and save it in your project folder then just import it via html: <script src="./memorycard.min.js"></script> or node.js: require( './memorycard.js' )


You can save time in your game development by installing this package in your current game. Don't worry about platforms compatibility or organization, With this tool you can easily access to a safe user-progress data storage. Finally, you will get an object with different slots for those games that enable multiple progress save per user (But you can also use this package to save one slot only).

Available Platforms

This tool was designed to be compatible with all useful javascript frameworks such as Electron and Cordova. Basically, the package encrypts the data and then saves depending on the platform where the game or application is currently running.

OS DriveLocalStorageLocalStorageEncrypted Data

If you want to save the data in a cloud storage, you can easily request the encrypted data instead of save it by installing memorycard.js in you server (safer) or in the client-side. Also you can use Strict Mode and Card Keys to improve the security.

Electron Tip: Don't forget to enable nodeIntegration or you will get a error saying something like: "require" is not a function.


As programmer, I prefer to look at examples to understand how a package works. So I make a few examples with comments in the examples folder.


Reference Object

Depending on the current platform, you can access to the package by importing the module or calling the default object created by the script.

Note: In Electron you can access to the MemoryCard with both options, but I recommend to access via Global Object if you are developing a cross-platform game.

Node.js (Backend Servers/Electron)

const MemoryCard = require( 'memorycard.js' ) ;

Global Object (Cordova/Browsers/Electron)

var mcard = window.MemoryCard ;
var mcard = window.MCARD ;
// or use one of it directly
MemoryCard.write( ) ;
MCARD.load( ) ;


The configuration is optional, but helps you to have more control about your MemoryCard use flow. Once you have the reference of the MemoryCard Object, just call the config( ) method to set your preferences. You will not able to change the configuration once the selected MemoryCard is loaded or created, so if you create a MemoryCard with 4 slots and a Card Key, you can't change that properties, just edit slots information to save user-progress.

MemoryCard.config( config_object ) ;


  • config_object Object
    • file String - Default: {EXECUTABLE_PATH}/memorycard.data | Set the file where the slots and its data will be writed and saved.
    • slots Number - Default: 4 | Number of slots that will be available in the MemoryCard.
    • key String - Default: null | Increase security by setting up a unique key for every new card created. See Card Keys for mor information.
    • strict_mode Boolean - Default: false | Set strict mode enabled. See Strict Mode section for more information.
    • template Object - Default: null | Set a template for every new slot writed in the MemoryCard. When strict_mode is disabled all missing properties in the new slot will be replaced with the template properties as default. But if strict_mode is enabled all new slots must match with the template even the properties types to allow the save action.
    • temp Boolean - Default: false | Recommended for cloud-based storage. This option allows to create temporary MemoryCard files that will be deleted automatically by the OS or Browser by setting /tmp/random-filename.data in Node.js and switching LocalStorage to SessionStorage in Browsers.

Why set a slots limit?

It just helps to organize the data and avoids a huge disk usage (Web-LocalStorage only support 5MB per website). Also, a small number of slots can help to create a nice "save screen" for your game, just like many retro games.

Card Keys

Every time you create a MemoryCard (Automatically created when the package doesn't find the specified file or a record in the LocalStorage), the package will set the pre-configured key as MemoryCard encryption-key and will be locked (not-changable).

Tip: Create a unique key based on the user-id (recommended) or also by requesting a unique device-id (not recommended for cloud-save-systems) with tools like machine-id npm package.

How it works?:

Create New MemoryCard -> Set the Pre-Configured Key -> Check if the Pre-configured key matchs with the MemoryCard file every game init -> Allow write/read if key matches correctly.

This feature have two objectives:

  • Increase write secutiry by requesting the card key every time the game starts and load the MemoryCard to get user-progress.
  • Avoid a progress-hack by replacing the actual MemoryCard file with someone downloaded in a forum. Go to examples section to get a example about Cards Keys implementation.

Strict Mode

The strict mode helps you to keep your saved slots as clean as possible, so it will add missing properties, delete extra-defined properties and fixing the types. This mode can be useful to avoid corrupted data slots, but also could be dangerous, so just try to be careful.

Here an example of strict_mode data output:
var $template = {
  username   : "Diablo Luna" ,
  rupees     : 8 ,
  trophies   : "9,2,5,6" ,
  tips       : true ,
  medallions : [ 2, 3 ] ,
  inventory  : {
    nuts : 4
  } ,

var $slot = {
  username   : "Diablo Luna" ,
  rupees     : 0 ,
  difficult  : "cow"

var $new = {
  username   : "Diablo Luna" ,
  rupees     : "8" ,
  trophies   : [ 4, 5, 7 ] ,
  tips       : false ,
  wooops     : true ,
  medallions : 4 ,
  inventory : {
    nuts : "8"

// ==== STEPS ================================================ [v]
// $new will be compared with the already saved $slot (if exists)
// and all missed properties will be added to the $new.
// [then]
// $new will be compared with the $template and will be fixed
// by adding missing properties, removing extra-properties in $new
// and fixing types in the properties of $new.
// [then]
// $new will be saved, replacing the $slot in the next save.
// ===============================================================

  username   : "Diablo Luna" ,
  rupees     : 8 ,
  trophies   : "4,5,7" ,
  tips       : false ,
  medallions : [ 4 ] ,
  inventory  : null

 * RUPEES has set to 8 number because the original type 
 * in the template was <Number> and string "8" 
 * could be turned into a number.
 * TROPHIES array has changed to string and separated by comma
 * because the original type in the template is <String>.
 * MEDALLIONS has set to [ 4 ] because the original type
 * in the template was <Array> and (by deduction) maybe
 * the game-developer tried to make a new array with the
 * number '4'.
 * WOOOPS was removed because isn't in the original template. 
 * INVENTORY has changed to the original value (template)
 * because the type was incorrect and isn't possible convert
 * the "null" into a Object.

Strict mode can be very useful, but just try to make the code cleanest possible, is not a magic tool.


The next methods can be used once you set configuration. Once you call one of these methods that requires MemoryCard data, the MemoryCard will be loaded and you will not able to change configuration again.

getSummary( )

Returns an array of all slots in the MemoryCard even the empty slots. Is just a summary that helps you to draw a "save screen", so It only will returns relevant information like slot_index and the modification date.

var slots = MemoryCard.getSummary( ) ;
    slots = [ {
      index : 0 ,
      empty : false ,
      title : "The Lemon Land II" ,
      date  : '2020-12-17T11:53:50.321Z' , // <= ISO Format Date
      DATE  : Date // <= JavaScript Date
    } , {
      index : 1 ,
      empty : true ,
      title : "Slot 2" // <= Why 2? Because index 0 = "Slot 1" (It's just a title).
    } , {
      index : 2 ,
      empty : true ,
      title : "Slot 3"
    } ] ;


  • slots[] Array | An array with slots descriptions without its data.

getAll( )

Same as getSummary( ) but this method also includes data of every slot. Maybe you want to add more info. to your "save screen" such as rupees collected or the game progress.

var slots = MemoryCard.getAll( ) ;
    slots = [ {
      index : 0 ,
      empty : false ,
      title : "The Lemon Land II" ,
      date  : '2020-12-17T11:53:50.321Z' ,
      DATE  : Date ,
      data  : {
    } , {
      index : 1 ,
      empty : true ,
      title : "Slot 2" ,
      data  : null
    } ]


  • slots[] Array | An array with slots descriptions including its data.

getSlot( )

Returns all slot data of the specified slot_index. If the slot is empty it will returns an object with empty : true property.

var slot = MemoryCard.getSlot( 0 ) ;
    slow = {
      index : 0 ,
      empty : false ,
      title : "The Lemon Land II" ,
      date  : Date ,
      data  : {
    } ;


  • slot_index Number - (Required) The index of the requested slot. Must be less than the pre-configured number of slots (4 slots by default).


  • slot Object | All information of the specified slot even if is empty.

write( )

Writes the data in a slot of the MemoryCard. This method will overwrite the entire slot if is already in use. If you only want to save a little change like new "coins" amount, you maybe want to use save( ) method instead.

// MemoryCard.write( slot_index, ?title, data ) ;
MemoryCard.write( 2, "Cookies Island", {
 username : "Diablo Luna"
 scene : 3 ,
 inventory : {
   watermelons : 8 ,
   lemon_pie : true
} ) ;


  • slot_index Number | (Required) Declare the slot where the data will be saved.
  • title String | (Optional) Default: "Slot N" where N = slot_index + 1. Set a title to display in the slots summary.
  • data Object | (Required) All data to save in the slot (JSON Only, no classes or special objects, just basic values like strings, arrays, numbers, boleeans even more JSON objects inside the main data object). If you have enabled Strict Mode, the data object will be processed before save it in the storage. See Strict Mode for more information.

save( )

With this method you can save one or more properties in an already saved slot. If the selected slot is empty, the method will return an error.

Unlike write( ), when you are in strict mode, only the defined properties in the parameters will be processed and fixed to save in the slot.

// MemoryCard.save( slot_index, ?title, data ) ;
MemoryCard.save( 2, {
 rupees : 32
} ) ;


  • slot_index Number | (Required) Declare the slot where the data will be saved.
  • title String | (Optional) Default: The current slot_title. Set a title to display in the slots summary.
  • data Object | (Required) The data to overwrite in the slot. Remember to set only JSON-valid object or you will corrupt your MemoryCard.

load( )

Read and return the data of the specified slot_index. This method will return null if the selected slot is empty.

// MemoryCard.load( slot_index ) ;
MemoryCard.load( 2 ) ;


  • slot_data Object | The data saved in the selected slot.


  • slot_index Number | (Required) Declare the slot where the data will loaded.

read( )

Read directly from MemoryCard file and returns all data on the file as JSON Object. Also all cache object will be refreshed (not recommended).

slots = MemoryCard.read( ) ;


  • memoryCard_data Object | All decrypted information of the MemoryCard like the saved slots and the its key to modified it. Read Card Keys for more information.
    • key String/Null | The key saved in the MemoryCard.
    • date String | The date of MemoryCard creation (ISO Format).
    • slots Object[] | All slots (even empty slots) in the MemoryCard.

copy( )

Copy an already used slot to create new one.

// MemoryCard.copy( ref_index, dest_index ) ;
MemoryCard.copy( 0, 2 ) ;
// Slot 1 will be copied in Slot 3 [^]


  • ref_index Number | (Required) The index of the slot that will be copied.
  • dest_index Number | (Required) The index of destination slot.

delete( )

Delete an already used slot and restore it as empty slot.

// MemoryCard.delete( slot_index ) ;
MemoryCard.delete( 1 ) ;


  • slot_index Number | (Required) The index of the slot that you want to delete.


Ask to the player if is sure to delete the selected slot by writing in the dialog box the title of the slot.

format( )

Delete all saved slots and set all as empty slot.

MemoryCard.format( ) ;

reset( )

Do you prefer to delete entire MemoryCard even the file or record in the LocalStorage to create new one?. This method will delete entire data and file.

MemoryCard.reset( ) ;

writeAsync( )

An async option of write( ).

NOTE: All async versions of the available methods are helpful to catch errors and will always returns Promises. Also all of it uses the same parameters of it "original" versions.

MemoryCard.writeAsync( slot_index, title, data ) ;

saveAsync( )

MemoryCard.saveAsync( slot_index, data ) ;

loadAsync( )

MemoryCard.loadAsync( slot_index ) ;

readAsync( )

MemoryCard.readAsync( ) ;

copyAsync( )

MemoryCard.copyAsync( ref_index, dest_index ) ;

deleteAsync( )

MemoryCard.deleteAsync( slot_index ) ;

formatAsync( )

MemoryCard.formatAsync( ) ;

resetAsync( )

MemoryCard.resetAsync( ) ;

An example of an async function call

  .writeAsync( 2, "Cookies Island", {
    username : "Diablo Luna"
    scene : 3 ,
    inventory : {
      watermelons : 8 ,
      lemon_pie : true
  } , false, "XMJSKO92" ).
  .then( function( returned_variable_if_original_method_returns_one ) {
  } )
  .catch( function( err ) {
    // ON ERROR
    console.error( 'WRITE_SLOT_DATA_ERROR ::', err ) ;
  } ) ;

getCardData( )

Returns an encrypted MemoryCard data to save in an external drive like a cloud-storage.

MemoryCard.getCardData( ) ;

setCardData( )

Set custom encrypted MemoryCard data to load slots and user-progress. You can use this method to load a MemoryCard backup or data requested from a cloud-storage.

Note: The new data will replace the content of the current MemoryCard file (if the content is valid), then read( ) will be executed automatically to read new content in the file or LocalStorage.

If you will use a full "cloud-save-system", I recommend to enable the temp option in the MemoryCard Configuration. This will allow to delete automatically the MemoryCard files by setting /tmp folder as MemoryCard file or switching LocalStorage to SessionStorage if you will use a Browser instead Node.js as platform.

MemoryCard.setCardData( MemoryCard_Data ) ;


  • MemoryCard_Data String | (Required) A valid encrypted string that contains all MemoryCard data.

http( )

Loads file from the defined url (the URL must return a plain-text) and then tries to load it as MemoryCard data through setCardData( ).

Returns a Promise.

  .http( url )
  .then( ( ) => {
  } )
  .catch( err => {
    // ERROR
    console.error( 'MEMORYCARD_CLOUD_LOAD_ERROR ::', err ) ;
  } ) ;


  • url URL | (Required) A valid url that returns an encrypted MemoryCard data obtained through getCardData( )

on( )

Adds an event listener depending of the type defined as first parameter. See Events to check available events.

// MemoryCard.on( eventType, callback ) ;
MemoryCard.on( 'save', ( ev ) => {
  console.log( ev.slot_index ) ; // 0
} ) ;


  • eventType String | (Required) The type of the event to wait.
  • callback Function | (Required) The function that will be called everytime event fires.


Catchable events through on( ) method.

Event: save

Called when write( ) or save( ) has been executed correctly.


  • EventData Object
    • type String | If you want to differentiate between write and save methods.
    • slot_index Number | The index of the modified slot.
    • slot_data Object | All data saved in the slot.

Event: load

Fired when load( ) has been executed correctly.


  • EventData Object
    • slot_index Number | The index of the modified slot.
    • slot_data Object | All data saved in the slot.

Event: delete

Fired when delete( ) has been executed correctly.


  • EventData Object
    • slot_index Number | The index of the modified slot.

Event: copy

Fired when copy( ) has been executed correctly.


  • EventData Object
    • slot_index Number | The index of the new slot.
    • slot_ref_index Number | The index of the copied slot.

Event: card-loaded

Fired when a new MemoryCard data is loaded by setCardData( ) or read( ) methods. Even if you don't call one of these methods the package requires to call read( ) at the first time when you call a method to access to a slot or try write one.


  • EventData Object
    • card_data Object | The full loaded data of the new inserted card as returned in read( ).

Event: format

Fired when the format( ) method has been executed correctly.


  • EventData Object
    • card_data Object | The full of the new inserted card as returned in read( ).


Properties of the MemoryCard Object. I think are useless (except for the first one, because I used it to develop the methods) but... here it is.

MemoryCard.loaded Boolean | Allows you to check if a MemoryCard is already loaded.

MemoryCard.__config Object | The object config used every time a method is called and requires it. This object is modified with the config( ) method. I recommend to you this property as read-only. Please modify any .__config property by config( ) method.

MemoryCard.__cache Object | To avoid a slow perfomance, all slots are stored in a cache object and it is modified in every method. For example, when you call write( ), the slot inside the cache object also will be modified to be available for other methods like load( ) or the same write( ) because we need to compare the old slot data with the new slot data.

write() vs. save()

Maybe you think that save is useless because only allows to save in already saved slots. But this method was designed to add a safe option to avoid a constant original slot overwrite. Also, save( ) can be much faster and can help to make an automatic-save system.

Automatic vs. Manual Save

Note: I refer to manual saving as the save activated by the player through a menu or an in-game item.

This depends totally about your game and the genre of it. Just imagine, a FPS horror game where you need to save a property named scene every time the player changes the scene, but at the same time needs a manual save to keep all big changes in the storage like the chapter number or all new added items in to the inventory.

Of course, you can save all changes every time the player changes the scene, but it could affect performance. As I said before, it depends of your game and your imagination.

Security Practices

Some times the MemoryCard security will not be a problem, because you maybe don't have problem if your players exchange MemoryCard files to advance in your game that only have 1-Player support and doesn't have an online-multiplayer option.

But, if you game needs to protect the MemoryCard from the hackers and cheaters, just follow the next recommendations:

  • Use a unique Card Key per player. You can easily make one with their IDs even create a special key in your Database for every new player in your game.
  • In Electron or Node.js based games, you can easily setup a hidden file for the MemoryCard, just change the property file in the configuration.
  • The MemoryCard file is encrypted and the decryption needs the pre-configured key to show the file content. It's a unique secure encryption but, at the same time, friendly to work perfectly in all platforms. But, you can re-encrypt the MemoryCard file by yourself with one of the many free javascript-libraries in internet. You can implement this re-encryption with getCardData( ) and setCardData( ) methods by loading the file manually, allowing you to work with the MemoryCard data after and before it usage.

How to Set Up a Cloud-Save System

Client Side

First, ensure to enable temp option in the configuration unless if you don't have problem if the player keep a MemoryCard data file in the disk drive (couldn't be a problem, 'cause you will set a custom file every time the game starts).

Tip: Ensure to first load the MemoryCard data before enable save/load options in your game because, once the user access to the current MemoryCard, you will not able to change it.

Note: You must write all new data in your server or cloud-storage manually. It can be easily set up with the Save Event and the getCardData( ).

No-HTTP (Manually)

You must download your MemoryCard data from your server by yourself. Once you have the data loaded, call the setCardData( ) method to set the previously saved data from getCardData( ) as your current MemoryCard data.

HTTP (Automatic)

You can save time if you provide a URL to directly get MemoryCard data from your server or cloud-storage. Just call http( ) method and wait a response to continue with your user-save-process (see the example).

An example of HTTP Client-Side Save/Load Data

MemoryCard.config( {
  temp  : true ,
  slots : 8 ,
  strict_mode : true
} ) ;

MemoryCard.on( 'load-card', ( ev ) => {
  console.log( 'New MemoryCard has inserted =>', ev.card_data ) ;
  // ENABLING SAVE-MENU because MemoryCard is ready to read and write [v]
  mySaveHTMLForm.enabled = true ;
  var slots = MemoryCard.getSummary( ) ;
  mySaveHTMLForm.displaySlots( slots ) ;
} ) ;

MemoryCard.on( 'save', ( ev ) => {
  console.log( 'A slot was modified =>', `Slot ${ ev.slot_index + 1 }`, ev.slot_data ) ;
  // DISABLE SAVE-MENU until the data gets saved in the cloud (for security) [v]
  mySaveHTMLForm.enabled = false ;
  fetch( 'https://my-http-server.com/saveUserMemoryCard', {
    method : 'POST',
    headers : {
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    } ,
    body : JSON.stringify( { 
      user_id : "12938", 
      card_data : MemoryCard.getCardData( )
    } )
  } ).then( ( ) => {
    if( response.status >= 400 ) 
      { throw new Error( "Bad response from server" ) ; }
  } ).catch( err => {
    console.error( 'MEMORYCARD_CLOUD_SAVE_ERROR ::', err ) ;
  } ).finally( ( ) => {
    mySaveHTMLForm.enabled = true ;
  } ) ;
} ) ;

mySaveMenuButton.onclick = function( ) {
  if( !MemoryCard.loaded ) {
    // For this method, .http( ), the response must be a string of all
    // encrypted data of the MemoryCard that you saved in your server
    // with the .getCardData( ) method before (such as the 'save' event).
      .http( 'https://my-http-server.com/getUserMemoryCard?id=12938' )
      .then( ( ) => {
        // Now just wait that the 'save' event gets called.
        // Also you can set a function right here instead.
      } )
      .catch( err => {
        console.error( 'LOAD_HTTP_MEMORYCARD_ERROR ::', err ) ;
      } ) ;
  } else {
    // ENABLING SAVE-MENU because MemoryCard is already loaded 
    // and available to read and write [v]
    mySaveHTMLForm.enabled = true ;
    var slots = MemoryCard.getSummary( ) ;
    mySaveHTMLForm.displaySlots( slots ) ;
} ;

Why use Client Side Cloud-Save: If you are looking for save-slots, this option is perfect for you, because you will have an automated and organizated system to keep user progress in memory-slots even if you decide to save it in your server. But, what happens if you only want to save a single progress in the cloud per user? Well, you can see the next topic: "Server Side"

Server Side

Client side option for cloud-save system can be problematic if you are not a experienced javascript programmer. You can perfectly let server do all work and just provide a final JSON object to the client through HTTP, but for this option memorycard.js seems useless because you can perfectly use a Database such as Firebase Firestore, MySQL or any other service that can provide a object response through http.

So, if you prefer a full server-side system, I recommend you to search for a nice Realtime Database for your project.


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