0.0.3 • Published 3 years ago
mesh-to-spheres v0.0.3
convert a triangle mesh into a set of spheres.
the spheres occupy approximately the same volume as the mesh.
useful for constructing smooth implicit surfaces / distance functions from triangle meshes.
npm i mesh-to-spheres
var m2s = require('mesh-to-spheres');
var bunny = require('bunny'); //stanford bunny mesh {cells, positions}
var doBruteForceMode=false; //if true, loop through all triangles instead of using rtree data structure
var preShrink = 1.0; //default 1.0, reduce the sphere diameters by this factor
var overlap = 0.5; //default 0.5, allow spheres to overlap by this factor
var doResample = false; //default false, instead of casting per-triangle, pick random points on the mesh surface
var resamplesTotal = 1000; //default 1000. if doResample is true, this is how many random points get used by the algorithm
var spheres = m2s.meshIndexed2Spheres(bunny,overlap,preShrink,doBruteForceMode,doResample,resamplesTotal)
//each sphere is {pt: [x,y,z], dist: radius}
//alternative - use list of raw triangles - each triangle has format [[x,y,z],[x,y,z],[x,y,z]]
var triangles = require('triangles-index').deindexTriangles_meshView(bunny); //get unindexed triangles
var spheres2 = m2s.mesh2Spheres(triangles,overlap,preShrink,doBruteForceMode,resamplesTotal)
^ bunny mesh, original
^ bunny made from 717 spheres overlap = 0.95
^ bunny made from 326 spheres overlap = 0.75
^ bunny made from 181 spheres overlap = 0.5
^ bunny made from 88 spheres overlap = 0.0
^ bunny made from 617 spheres overlap = 0.0, preShrink = 0.25