messaging-api-line v1.1.0
Messaging API client for LINE
Table of Contents
- Installation
- Usage
- API Reference
- Debug Tips
- Testing
npm i --save messaging-api-line
yarn add messaging-api-line
const { LineClient } = require('messaging-api-line');
// get accessToken and channelSecret from LINE developers website
const client = new LineClient({
accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
channelSecret: CHANNEL_SECRET,
Error Handling
uses axios as HTTP client. We use axios-error package to wrap API error instances for better formatting error messages. Directly calling console.log
with the error instance will return formatted message. If you'd like to get the axios request
, response
, or config
, you can still get them via those keys on the error instance.
client.replyText(token, text).catch((error) => {
console.log(error); // formatted error message
console.log(error.stack); // error stack trace
console.log(error.config); // axios request config
console.log(error.request); // HTTP request
console.log(error.response); // HTTP response
API Reference
All methods return a Promise.
Reply API - Official Docs
Responds to events from users, groups, and rooms.
reply(token, messages)
Responds messages using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
messages | Array<Object> | Array of objects which contains the contents of the message to be sent. |
client.reply(REPLY_TOKEN, [
type: 'text',
text: 'Hello!',
can only be used once, but you can send up to 5 messages using the same token.
const { Line } = require('messaging-api-line');
client.reply(REPLY_TOKEN, [
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
There are a bunch of factory methods can be used to create messages:
Line.createText(text, options)
Line.createImage(image, options)
Line.createVideo(video, options)
Line.createAudio(audio, options)
Line.createLocation(location, options)
Line.createSticker(sticker, options)
Line.createImagemap(altText, imagemap, options)
Line.createTemplate(altText, template, options)
Line.createButtonTemplate(altText, buttonTemplate, options)
Line.createConfirmTemplate(altText, confirmTemplate, options)
Line.createCarouselTemplate(altText, columns, options)
Line.createImageCarouselTemplate(altText, columns, options)
Line.createFlex(altText, contents, options)
replyText(token, text, options)
- Official Docs
Responds text message using specified reply token.
You can include LINE original emoji in text messages using character codes. For a list of LINE emoji that can be sent in LINE chats, see the emoji list.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
text | String | Text of the message to be sent. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyText(REPLY_TOKEN, 'Hello!');
replyImage(token, image, options)
- Official Docs
Responds image message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
image.originalContentUrl | String | Image URL. |
image.previewImageUrl | String | Preview image URL. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyImage(REPLY_TOKEN, {
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
replyVideo(token, video, options)
- Official Docs
Responds video message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
video.originalContentUrl | String | URL of video file. |
video.previewImageUrl | String | URL of preview image. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyVideo(REPLY_TOKEN, {
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
replyAudio(token, audio, options)
- Official Docs
Responds audio message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
audio.originalContentUrl | String | URL of audio file. |
audio.duration | Number | Length of audio file (milliseconds). |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyAudio(REPLY_TOKEN, {
originalContentUrl: '',
duration: 240000,
replyLocation(token, location, options)
- Official Docs
Responds location message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
location | Object | Object contains location's parameters. |
location.title | String | Title of the location. |
location.address | String | Address of the location. |
location.latitude | Number | Latitude of the location. |
location.longitude | Number | Longitude of the location. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyLocation(REPLY_TOKEN, {
title: 'my location',
address: '〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1',
latitude: 35.65910807942215,
longitude: 139.70372892916203,
replySticker(token, sticker, options)
- Official Docs
Responds sticker message using specified reply token.
For a list of stickers that can be sent with the Messaging API, see the sticker list.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
sticker.packageId | String | Package ID. |
sticker.stickerId | String | Sticker ID. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replySticker(REPLY_TOKEN, { packageId: '1', stickerId: '1' });
Reply Imagemap Messages
replyImagemap(token, altText, imagemap, options)
- Official Docs
Responds imagemap message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
imagemap | Object | Object contains imagemap's parameters. |
imagemap.baseUrl | String | Base URL of image. |
imagemap.baseSize | Object | Base size object. |
imagemap.baseSize.width | Number | Width of base image. |
imagemap.baseSize.height | Number | Height of base image. | | Object | Video object. | | String | URL of the video file (Max: 1000 characters). | | String | URL of the preview image (Max: 1000 characters). | | Number | Horizontal position of the video area relative to the top-left corner of the imagemap area. | | Number | Vertical position of the video area relative to the top-left corner of the imagemap area. | | Number | Width of the video area. | | Number | Height of the video area. | | String | Webpage URL. Called when the label displayed after the video is tapped. | | String | Label. Displayed after the video is finished. |
imagemap.actions | Array<Object> | Action when tapped. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyImagemap(REPLY_TOKEN, 'this is an imagemap', {
baseUrl: '',
baseSize: {
width: 1040,
height: 1040,
actions: [
type: 'uri',
linkUri: '',
area: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
type: 'message',
text: 'hello',
area: {
x: 520,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
Reply Template Messages
replyTemplate(token, altText, template, options)
- Official Docs
Responds template message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
template | Object | Object with the contents of the template. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyTemplate(REPLY_TOKEN, 'this is a template', {
type: 'buttons',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
replyButtonTemplate(token, altText, buttonTemplate, options)
- Official Docs
Alias: replyButtonsTemplate
Responds button template message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
buttonTemplate | Object | Object contains buttonTemplate's parameters. |
buttonTemplate.thumbnailImageUrl | String | Image URL of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.imageAspectRatio | String | Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values: rectangle , square |
buttonTemplate.imageSize | String | Size of the image. Specify one of the following values: cover , contain |
buttonTemplate.imageBackgroundColor | String | Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. The default value is #FFFFFF (white). |
buttonTemplate.title | String | Title of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.text | String | Message text of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.defaultAction | Object | Action when image is tapped; set for the entire image, title, and text area. |
buttonTemplate.actions | Array<Object> | Action when tapped. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyButtonTemplate(REPLY_TOKEN, 'this is a template', {
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
replyConfirmTemplate(token, altText, confirmTemplate, options)
- Official Docs
Responds confirm template message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
confirmTemplate | Object | Object contains confirmTemplate's parameters. |
confirmTemplate.text | String | Message text of confirmTemplate. |
confirmTemplate.actions | Array<Object> | Action when tapped. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyConfirmTemplate(REPLY_TOKEN, 'this is a confirm template', {
text: 'Are you sure?',
actions: [
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
type: 'message',
label: 'No',
text: 'no',
replyCarouselTemplate(token, altText, carouselItems, options)
- Official Docs
Responds carousel template message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> | Array of columns which contains object for carousel. |
options | Object | Object contains options. |
options.imageAspectRatio | String | Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values: rectangle , square |
options.imageSize | String | Size of the image. Specify one of the following values: cover , contain |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyCarouselTemplate(REPLY_TOKEN, 'this is a carousel template', [
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=111',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=222',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=222',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
replyImageCarouselTemplate(token, altText, carouselItems, options)
- Official Docs
Responds image carousel template message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> | Array of columns which contains object for image carousel. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
'this is an image carousel template',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
Reply Flex Messages
replyFlex(token, altText, contents, options)
- Official Docs
Responds flex message using specified reply token.
Param | Type | Description |
token | String | replyToken received via webhook. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
contents | Object | Flex Message container object. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.replyFlex(REPLY_TOKEN, 'this is a flex', {
type: 'bubble',
header: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Header text',
hero: {
type: 'image',
url: '',
body: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Body text',
footer: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Footer text',
styles: {
comment: 'See the example of a bubble style object',
Push API - Official Docs
Sends messages to a user, group, or room at any time.
push(userId, messages)
Sends messages using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
messages | Array<Object> | Array of objects which contains the contents of the message to be sent. |
client.push(USER_ID, [
type: 'text',
text: 'Hello!',
pushText(userId, text, options)
- Official Docs
Sends text message using ID of the receiver.
You can include LINE original emoji in text messages using character codes. For a list of LINE emoji that can be sent in LINE chats, see the emoji list.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
text | String | Text of the message to be sent. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushText(USER_ID, 'Hello!');
pushImage(userId, image, options)
- Official Docs
Sends image message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
image.originalContentUrl | String | Image URL. |
image.previewImageUrl | String | Preview image URL. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushImage(USER_ID, {
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
pushVideo(userId, video, options)
- Official Docs
Sends video message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
video.originalContentUrl | String | URL of video file. |
video.previewImageUrl | String | URL of preview image. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushVideo(USER_ID, {
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
pushAudio(userId, audio, options)
- Official Docs
Sends audio message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
audio.originalContentUrl | String | URL of audio file. |
audio.duration | Number | Length of audio file (milliseconds). |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushAudio(USER_ID, {
originalContentUrl: '',
duration: 240000,
pushLocation(userId, location, options)
- Official Docs
Sends location message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
location | Object | Object contains location's parameters. |
location.title | String | Title of the location. |
location.address | String | Address of the location. |
location.latitude | Number | Latitude of the location. |
location.longitude | Number | Longitude of the location. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushLocation(USER_ID, {
title: 'my location',
address: '〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1',
latitude: 35.65910807942215,
longitude: 139.70372892916203,
pushSticker(userId, sticker, options)
- Official Docs
Sends sticker message using ID of the receiver.
For a list of stickers that can be sent with the Messaging API, see the sticker list.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
sticker.packageId | String | Package ID. |
sticker.stickerId | String | Sticker ID. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushSticker(USER_ID, { packageId: '1', stickerId: '1' });
Push Imagemap Messages
pushImagemap(userId, altText, imagemap, options)
- Official Docs
Sends imagemap message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
imagemap | Object | Object contains imagemap's parameters. |
imagemap.baseUrl | String | Base URL of image. |
imagemap.baseSize | Object | Base size object. |
imagemap.baseSize.width | Number | Width of base image. |
imagemap.baseSize.height | Number | Height of base image. | | Object | Video object. | | String | URL of the video file (Max: 1000 characters). | | String | URL of the preview image (Max: 1000 characters). | | Number | Horizontal position of the video area relative to the top-left corner of the imagemap area. | | Number | Vertical position of the video area relative to the top-left corner of the imagemap area. | | Number | Width of the video area. | | Number | Height of the video area. | | String | Webpage URL. Called when the label displayed after the video is tapped. | | String | Label. Displayed after the video is finished. |
imagemap.actions | Array<Object> | Action when tapped. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushImagemap(USER_ID, 'this is an imagemap', {
baseUrl: '',
baseSize: {
width: 1040,
height: 1040,
actions: [
type: 'uri',
linkUri: '',
area: {
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
type: 'message',
text: 'hello',
area: {
x: 520,
y: 0,
width: 520,
height: 1040,
Push Template Messages
pushTemplate(userId, altText, template, options)
- Official Docs
Sends template message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
template | Object | Object with the contents of the template. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushTemplate(USER_ID, 'this is a template', {
type: 'buttons',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
pushButtonTemplate(userId, altText, buttonTemplate, options)
- Official Docs
Alias: pushButtonsTemplate
Sends button template message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
buttonTemplate | Object | Object contains buttonTemplate's parameters. |
buttonTemplate.thumbnailImageUrl | String | Image URL of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.imageAspectRatio | String | Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values: rectangle , square |
buttonTemplate.imageSize | String | Size of the image. Specify one of the following values: cover , contain |
buttonTemplate.imageBackgroundColor | String | Background color of image. Specify a RGB color value. The default value is #FFFFFF (white). |
buttonTemplate.title | String | Title of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.text | String | Message text of buttonTemplate. |
buttonTemplate.defaultAction | Object | Action when image is tapped; set for the entire image, title, and text area. |
buttonTemplate.actions | Array<Object> | Action when tapped. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushButtonTemplate(USER_ID, 'this is a template', {
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'Menu',
text: 'Please select',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=123',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=123',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
pushConfirmTemplate(userId, altText, confirmTemplate, options)
- Official Docs
Sends confirm template message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
confirmTemplate | Object | Object contains confirmTemplate's parameters. |
confirmTemplate.text | String | Message text of confirmTemplate. |
confirmTemplate.actions | Array<Object> | Action when tapped. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushConfirmTemplate(USER_ID, 'this is a confirm template', {
text: 'Are you sure?',
actions: [
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
type: 'message',
label: 'No',
text: 'no',
pushCarouselTemplate(userId, altText, carouselItems, options)
- Official Docs
Sends carousel template message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> | Array of columns which contains object for carousel. |
options | Object | Object contains options. |
options.imageAspectRatio | String | Aspect ratio of the image. Specify one of the following values: rectangle , square |
options.imageSize | String | Size of the image. Specify one of the following values: cover , contain |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushCarouselTemplate(USER_ID, 'this is a carousel template', [
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=111',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
thumbnailImageUrl: '',
title: 'this is menu',
text: 'description',
actions: [
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=222',
type: 'postback',
label: 'Add to cart',
data: 'action=add&itemid=222',
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
pushImageCarouselTemplate(userId, altText, carouselItems, options)
- Official Docs
Sends image carousel template message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
carouselItems | Array<Object> | Array of columns which contains object for image carousel. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
'this is an image carousel template',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'postback',
label: 'Buy',
data: 'action=buy&itemid=111',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'message',
label: 'Yes',
text: 'yes',
imageUrl: '',
action: {
type: 'uri',
label: 'View detail',
uri: '',
Push Flex Messages
pushFlex(userId, altText, contents, options)
- Official Docs
Sends flex message using ID of the receiver.
Param | Type | Description |
userId | String | ID of the receiver. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
contents | Object | Flex Message container object. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.pushFlex(USER_ID, 'this is a flex', {
type: 'bubble',
header: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Header text',
hero: {
type: 'image',
url: '',
body: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Body text',
footer: {
type: 'box',
layout: 'vertical',
contents: [
type: 'text',
text: 'Footer text',
styles: {
comment: 'See the example of a bubble style object',
Multicast API - Official Docs
Sends messages to multiple users at any time.
multicast(userIds, messages)
Sends messages to multiple users.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
messages | Array<Object> | Array of objects which contains the contents of the message to be sent. |
type: 'text',
text: 'Hello!',
multicastText(userIds, text, options)
- Official Docs
Sends text message to multiple users.
You can include LINE original emoji in text messages using character codes. For a list of LINE emoji that can be sent in LINE chats, see the emoji list.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
text | String | Text of the message to be sent. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.multicastText([USER_ID], 'Hello!');
multicastImage(userIds, image, options)
- Official Docs
Sends image message to multiple users.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
image.originalContentUrl | String | Image URL. |
image.previewImageUrl | String | Preview image URL. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.multicastImage([USER_ID], {
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
multicastVideo(userIds, video, options)
- Official Docs
Sends video message to multiple users.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
video.originalContentUrl | String | URL of video file. |
video.previewImageUrl | String | URL of preview image. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.multicastVideo([USER_ID], {
originalContentUrl: '',
previewImageUrl: '',
multicastAudio(userIds, audio, options)
- Official Docs
Sends audio message to multiple users.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
audio.originalContentUrl | String | URL of audio file. |
audio.duration | Number | Length of audio file (milliseconds). |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.multicastAudio([USER_ID], {
originalContentUrl: '',
duration: 240000,
multicastLocation(userIds, location, options)
- Official Docs
Sends location message to multiple users.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
location | Object | Object contains location's parameters. |
location.title | String | Title of the location. |
location.address | String | Address of the location. |
location.latitude | Number | Latitude of the location. |
location.longitude | Number | Longitude of the location. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.multicastLocation([USER_ID], {
title: 'my location',
address: '〒150-0002 東京都渋谷区渋谷2丁目21−1',
latitude: 35.65910807942215,
longitude: 139.70372892916203,
multicastSticker(userIds, sticker, options)
- Official Docs
Sends sticker message to multiple users.
For a list of stickers that can be sent with the Messaging API, see the sticker list.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
sticker.packageId | String | Package ID. |
sticker.stickerId | String | Sticker ID. |
options | Object | Optional options. |
options.quickReply | Object | Quick reply object to attach to the message. |
options.quickReply.items | Array | Quick reply items. |
client.multicastSticker([USER_ID], {
packageId: '1',
stickerId: '1',
Multicast Imagemap Messages
multicastImagemap(userIds, altText, imagemap, options)
- Official Docs
Sends imagemap message to multiple users.
Param | Type | Description |
userIds | Array<String> | IDs of the receivers. |
altText | String | Alternative text. |
imagemap | Object | Object contains imagemap's parameters. |
imagemap.baseUrl | String | Base URL of image. |
imagemap.baseSize | Object | Base size object. |
imagemap.baseSize.width | Number | Width of base image. |
imagemap.baseSize.height | Number | Height of base image. | | Object | Video object. | | String | URL of the video file (Max: 1000 characters). |
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