1.0.9 • Published 8 years ago

metabuild v1.0.9

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Last release
8 years ago

Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!

Here's some of the things it can do:

  • Keep your projects data files synchronised appropriately, supports: - package.json - bower.json - component.json - jquery.json
  • Create beautiful standardised readme files that stay in sync with your data files, supports: - README - CONTRIBUTING - LICENSE - BACKERS - HISTORY
  • Automatic injection of the appropriate installation methods, supports: - NPM - Browserify - Ender - Component - Bower - DocPad Plugins
  • Automatic injection of your desired badges
  • Automatic injection of your SPDX license information
  • Keep your data and readme files up to date with remote data, supports: - Pulling in your latest contributors from GitHub - Pulling in your latest sponsors from remote APIs (coming soon)


Running Projectz


Once installed locally, you can compile your project using projectz by running the following in your terminal:

node ./node_modules/.bin/projectz compile


To make projectz more automatic, we recommended adding the direct command above to your build tool.

If you don't use a build tool, but do use npm, then you can add the following to your project's package.json file:

  "scripts": {
    "compile": "node ./node_modules/.bin/projectz compile",
    "posttest": "node ./node_modules/.bin/projectz compile"

The compile script here lets you use npm run-script compile to compile your project with projectz.

The posttest script here automatically compiles your project with projectz after your tests have successfully completed, providing you use npm test to run your tests. This is a great place to put projectz as projectz only updates meta documents so won't affect your test, and will always run before a publish.

Configuring Projectz

Data Files

Projectz helps you maintain the following data files:

  • package.json
  • bower.json
  • component.json
  • jquery.json

It does this by reading them, combining their data in memory, and then outputting the appropriate fields and over-rides for each file.

Each file can serve as the master meta data file, however you can also define a projectz.cson CSON file that you can use if you'd like to have the benefit of comments, optional commas, multiline strings, etc for your primary meta data file.

The special fields are as so:

	# Project's human readable name
	title: "Projectz",

	# Project name
	name: "projectz",

	# Project's Website URL
	homepage: "https://github.com/bevry/projectz",

	# Project's demo URL
	# If this is missing, and `homepage` is set, we set it to the `homepage` value
	demo: "https://github.com/bevry/projectz",

	# Project description
	description: "Stop wasting time syncing and updating your project's README and Package Files!",

	# Project's SPDX License
	# Uses https://www.npmjs.com/packages/spdx for parsing
	license: "MIT",

	# Whether the project can run on the client-side in web browsers
	# If this is missing, and the component or bower package files exist, then this becomes `true`
	browsers: true,

	# Project's author details
	# Can be an array or CSV string
	author: "2013+ Bevry Pty Ltd <us@bevry.me> (http://bevry.me)",

	# Maintainers
	maintainers: [
		"Benjamin Lupton (b@lupton.cc) (http://balupton.com)"

	# Sponsors
	sponsors: [
		"Benjamin Lupton (b@lupton.cc) (http://balupton.com)"

	# Contributors
	# Automatically combined with the contributors from the GitHub Repository API
	contributors: [
		"Benjamin Lupton (b@lupton.cc) (http://balupton.com)"

	# Project's repository details
	# If this is missing, and `homepage` is a GitHub URL, this determined automatically
	repository: {
		type: "git",
		url: "https://github.com/bevry/projectz.git"

	# Project's issue tracker
	# If this is missing, and `repository` is a GitHub repository, this determined automatically
	bugs: {
		url: "https://github.com/bevry/projectz/issues"

	# Project's badges for use in the readme files
	# Uses https://www.npmjs.com/packages/badges for parsing and rendering, see for usage
	badges: {
		list: []
		config: {}

Readme Files

Projectz helps you maintain the following readme files:

  • README.md
  • LICENSE.md
  • BACKERS.md
  • HISTORY.md

It does this by reading them, and replacing comment tags with the appropriate data.

The following comment tags are supported:

  • <!-- TITLE --> — outputs the package's title field
  • <!-- BADGES --> — outputs the badges you have enabled from your package's badges field
  • <!-- DESCRIPTION --> — outputs the package's description field
  • <!-- INSTALL --> — outputs the package's installation instructions
  • <!-- HISTORY --> — outputs a link to the HISTORY file if it exists, otherwise if it is a Github repository, outputs a link to the releases page
  • <!-- CONTRIBUTE --> — outputs a link to the CONTRIBUTE file if it exists
  • <!-- BACKERS --> — outputs the information from the sponsors field, as well as any funding badges
  • <!-- LICENSE --> — outputs a summary of the license information

As well as these comment tags for updating entire files:

  • <!-- LICENSEFILE --> — outputs the complete license information
  • <!-- BACKERSFILE --> — same as <!-- BACKERS --> but made for an individual file instead

As an example, here is a a basic README.md file:

<!-- TITLE -->
<!-- BADGES -->
<!-- INSTALL -->

## Usage
Usage instructions go here

<!-- HISTORY -->
<!-- BACKERS -->
<!-- LICENSE -->

Discover the release history by heading on over to the HISTORY.md file.

Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

These amazing people are maintaining this project:

No sponsors yet! Will you be the first?

These amazing people have contributed code to this project:

Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md file.

Unless stated otherwise all works are:

and licensed under: