0.4.1 • Published 8 years ago

metagetta v0.4.1

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Last release
8 years ago


Metagetta is a library for fetching content metadata from around the web. Supported sources include:


metagetta(uri, options)

uri should be a valid URI from any of the supported sources. For example, a YouTube URI (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fPDYj3IMkRI), a Vimeo URI (https://vimeo.com/135288462), a Dailymotion URI (http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x30f1ti_the-iced-beverage-rap_fun), a VAST tag (http://ad3.liverail.com/?LR_PUBLISHER_ID=1331&LR_CAMPAIGN_ID=229&LR_SCHEMA=vast2.), an Instagram URI (https://instagram.com/p/6DD1crjvG7/), a Wistia URI (https://cinema6.wistia.com/medias/9iqvphjp4u), a JWPlayer URI (https://content.jwplatform.com/previews/iGznZrKK-n5DiyUyn), or a Vzaar URI (http://vzaar.tv/5700429) uri can also be an Array of URIs (to batch calls.)

options (optional) should be an object containing configuration options.

A Promise is returned that will be fulfilled with the content's metadata.


options should be an object containing configuration options. It can also be an Array of options (to batch calls.)

A Promise is returned that will be fulfilled with the content's metadata.


This method will return a new instance of metagetta() that is pre-configured with the specified options.


The following configuration options are valid:

  • uri: A URI from any of the supported sources.
  • type: The name of a source. Supported sources are youtube, vimeo, dailymotion, vast, instagram, or wistia.
  • id: The ID of a piece of content. This does not apply to VAST videos.
  • fields: An Array of the only response fields that should be included. This is useful as it can potentially reduce the amount of YouTube quota units metagetta consumes.
  • youtube.key: A YouTube API Key (required to make calls against YouTube's Data API.)
  • instagram.key: An Instagram API Client Key (required to make calls against Instagram's API)
  • wistia.key: A Wistia API Password (required to make calls against Wistia's API)
  • jwplayer.key: A JWPlayer API Key (required to make calls against JWPlayer's API)
  • jwplayer.secret: A JWPlayer API Secret (also required to make calls against JWPlayer's API)
  • facebook.key: A Facebook Application id (required to make calls against Facebook's API)
  • facebook.secret: A Facebook Application secret (also required to make calls against Facebook's API)


The following response object will be provided no matter the source of the content:

  • type: The source of the content
  • id: The unique ID of the content
  • uri: The URI for the content
  • title: The name of the content
  • description: A description of the content
  • duration: The duration (in seconds) of the content
  • hd: A Boolean indicating if the content is HD or not; for VAST, the highest-quality media file will be used
  • tags: An Array of video tags
  • publishedTime: A Date representing when the content was published/created
  • views: The number of views the video has (likes in the case of Instagram)
  • thumbnails.small: Url of a small thumbnail
  • thumbnails.large: Url of a large thumbnail


var metagetta = require('metagetta').withConfig({
  youtube: { key: 'f4938yrt83497ryf48975fh348957f4389' }

]).then(function(videos) {
  videos.forEach(function(video) {
    console.log(video.title + ' is ' + video.duration + ' seconds!');
}).catch(function(error) {
  console.error('There was a problem: ' + error);


  • As of now, JWPlayer metadata will not be retrievable in a browser environment