2.0.0 • Published 12 years ago

method v2.0.0

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Last release
12 years ago


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Library provides an API for defining polymorphic methods that dispatch on the first argument type. This provides a powerful way for decouple abstraction interface definition from an actual implementation per type, without risks of interference with other libraries.


  • Provide a high-performance, dynamic polymorphism construct as an alternative to existing object methods that does not provides any mechanics for guarding against name conflicts.
  • Allow independent extension of types, and implementations of methods on types, by different parties.


npm install method


var Method = require('method')

// Define `isWatchable` method that can be implemented for any type.
var isWatchable = Method()

// If you call it on any object it will
// throw as nothing implements that method yet.
//isWatchable({}) // => Exception: Method is not implemented

// If you define private method on `Object.prototype`
// all objects will inherit it.
Object.prototype[isWatchable] = function() {
  return false;

isWatchable({}) // => false

// Although `isWatchable` property above will be enumerable and there for
// may damage some assumbtions made by other libraries. There for it's
// recomended to use built-in helpers methods that will define extension
// without breaking assumbtions made by other libraries:

isWatchable.extend(Object, function() { return false })

// There are primitive types in JS that won't inherit methods from Object:
isWatchable(null) // => Exception: Method is not implemented

// One could either implement methods for such types:
isWatchable.extend(null, function() { return false })
isWatchable.extend(undefined, function() { return false })

// Or simply define default implementation:
isWatchable.extend(Method, function() { return false })

// Alternatively default implementation may be provided at creation:
isWatchable = Method(function() { return false })

// Method dispatches on an first argument type. That allows us to create
// new types with an alternative implementations:
function Watchable() {}
isWatchable.extend(Watchable, function() { return true })

// This will make all `Watchable` instances watchable!
isWatchable(new Watchable()) // => true

// Arbitrary objects can also be extended to implement given method. For example
// any object can simply made watchable:
function watchable(object) {
  return isWatchable.define(objct, function() { return true })

isWatchable(watchable({})) // => true

// Full protocols can be defined with such methods:
var _watchers = Method()
var watchers = Method()
var watch = Method()
var unwatch = Method()

watchers.extend(Watchable, function(target) {
  return target[_watchers] || (target[_watchers] = [])

watch.extend(Watchable, function(target, watcher) {
  var observers = watchers(target)
  if (observers.indexOf(watcher) < 0) observers.push(watcher)
  return target
unwatch.extend(Watchable, function(target, watcher) {
  var observers = watchers(target)
  var index = observers.indexOf(watcher)
  if (observers.indexOf(watcher) >= 0) observers.unshift(watcher)
  return target

// Define type Port that inherits form Watchable

function Port() {}
Port.prototype = Object.create(Watchable.prototype)

var emit = Method()
emit.extend(Port, function(port, message) {
  watchers(port).slice().forEach(function(watcher) {

var p = new Port()
watch(p, console.log)
emit(p, 'hello world') // => info: "hello world"