2.0.1 • Published 27 days ago

methodius v2.0.1

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27 days ago

Methodius (an NGram utility)

A utility for analyzing frequency of text chunks on the web.

Supply a bit o' text to the Methodius class, and let it determine your bigrams, trigrams, ngrams, letter-frequencies, word frequencies, bigram relationships, and create ngram trees.

Hippocratic License HL3-LAW-MEDIA-MIL-SOC-SV



const { Methodius } = require('methodius');
// or import { Methodius } from 'methodius';

const udhr1 = `
All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brotherhood.
const nGrams = new Methodius(udhr1);

const topLetters = nGrams.getTopLetters(10);
const topWords = nGrams.getTopWords(10);



Global Class

new Methodius(text)

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | text | string | raw text to be analyzed |

Static Members


characters to ignore when analyzing text period, comma, semicolon, colon, bang, question mark, interrobang, Spanish bang+, parens, bracket, brace, single quote, some spaces



characters to ignore AND CONSUME when trying to find words em-dash, period, comma, semicolon, colon, bang, question mark, interrobang, Spanish bang+, parens, bracket, brace, single quote, space


Static Methods


determines if string contains punctuation

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | string | string | |

Returns boolean


determines if string contains symbols

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | string | string | |

Returns boolean


determines if a string has a space

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | string | string | |

Returns boolean


lowercases text and removes diacritics and other characters that would throw off n-gram analysis

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | string |string | |

Returns string


extracts an array of words from a string

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | text | string | |

Returns Array<string>

getNGrams(text, gramSize)

gets ngrams from text

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | text | string | | | gramSize | Number | Default = 2 |

Returns Array<string>


Gets average size of a word

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | wordArray | string[] | |

Returns number


Gets the median (middle) size of a word

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | wordArray | string[] | |

Returns number


Gets 2-word pairs from text.

Note: This doesn't use sentence punctuation as a boundary. Should it?

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | text | string | | | gramSize | number | default=2 |

Returns Array<string>


converts an array of strings into a map of those strings and number of occurences

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | ngramArray | Array<string> | |

Returns Map<string, number>


converts a frequency map into a map of percentages

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | frequencyMap | Map<string, number> | |

Returns Map<string, number>


filters a frequency map into only a small subset of the most frequent ones

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | frequencyMap | Map<string, number> | | | limit | number | default=20 |

Returns Map<string, number>

getIntersection(iterable1, iterable2)

returns an array of items that occur in both iterables

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | iterable1 | Map|Array | | | iterable2 | Map|Array | |

Returns Array<any> An array of items that occur in both iterables. It will compare the keys, if sent a map

getUnion(iterable1, iterable2)

Returns an array that is the union of two iterables

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | iterable1 | Map|Array | | | iterable2 | Map|Array | |

Returns Array<any> A union of the items that occur in both iterables.

getDisjunctiveUnion(iterable1, iterable2)

returns an array of arrays of the unique items in either iterable

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | iterable1 | Map|Array | | | iterable2 | Map|Array | |

Returns Array<Array<any> An array of arrays of the unique items. The first item is the first parameter, 2nd item second param

getComparison(iterable1, iterable2)

returns a map containing various comparisons between two iterables

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | iterable1 | Map|Array | | | iterable2 | Map|Array | |

Returns Map<string, <array>> A map containing various comparisons between two iterables. Those comparisons will be some kind of array (See intersection or disjunctiveUnion)

getWordPlacementForNGram(ngram, wordsArray)

determines the placement of a single ngram in an array of words

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | ngram | string | | | wordsArray | Array<string> | |

Returns Map<string, number> a map with the keys 'start', 'middle', and 'end' whose values correspond to how often the provided ngram occurs in this position

getWordPlacementForNGrams(ngrams, wordsArray)

determines the placement of ngrams in an array of words

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | ngram | Array<string> | | | wordsArray | Array<string> | |

Returns Map<string, Map<string, number>> a map with the key of the ngram, and the value that is a map containing start, middle, end

getNgramCollections(ngrams, wordsArray)

gets ngrams from an array of words

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | wordArray | Array<string> | an array of words | | ngramSize | number | default = 2. The size of the ngrams to return |

Returns Array<Array<string>> An array containing arrays of ngrams, each array corresponds to a word.

getNgramSiblings(searchText, ngramCollections, siblingSize)

using a collection returned from getNgramCollections, searches for a string and returns what comes before and after it

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | searchText | string | the string to search for | | ngramCollections | Array<string>|Array<Array<string>> | an array of ngrams, or an nGramCollection | | siblingSize | number | default = 1. How many siblings to find in front or behind |

Returns Map<'before'|'after',Map<string, number>> a Map with the keys 'before' and 'after' which contain maps of what comes before and after


        const words = ['revolution', 'nation'];
        const ngramCollections = Methodius.getNgramCollections(words, 2);
        const onSiblings = Methodius.getNgramSiblings('io', ngramCollections);
        new Map([
          ['before', new Map(
            ['ti', 2]
          ['after', new Map(
            ['on', 2]

getRelatedNgrams(words, ngrams, ngramSize)

Gets the ngrams that will occur before or after other ngrams. Useful for finding patterns of ngrams.

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | words | Array<string> | an array of words to evaluate | | ngrams | Map<string, number> | a frequency map of ngrams | | ngramSize | number | default = 2. the size of the ngram |


Map<string, number> A frequency map of how often ngrams occured before or after other ngrams


This requires several steps. You'll need an array of words and a frequency map of ngrams.

    const ngrams = getNGrams('the revolution of the nation was on television. It was about pollution and the terrible situation ', 2);
    const frequencyMap = getFrequencyMap(ngrams);
    const topNgrams = getTopGrams(frequencyMap, 5);
    const words = ['the', 'revolution', 'of', 'the', 'nation', 'was', 'on', 'television', 'it', 'was', 'about', 'pollution', 'and', 'the', 'terrible', 'situation' ];
    const relatedNgrams = getRelatedNgrams(words, topNgrams, 2, 5);


Gets a nested map of maps that breaks down unique words into their smallest ngrams

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | words | Array<string> | an array of words to evaluate |


Map<string, Array<string>| Map<string, <Array|string>> A nested map of maps that breaks down unique words into their smallest ngrams.

Instance Members


lowercased text with diacritics removed



an array of letters in the text



an array of words in the text



an array of letter bigrams in the text



an array of letter trigrams in the text



an array of unique letters in the text



an array of unique bigrams in the text



an array of unique trigrams in the text

Map<string, Map<string, number>>


a map of placements of letters within words

Map<string, Map<string, number>>


a map of placements of bigrams within words

Map<string, Map<string, number>>


a map of placements of trigrams within words



an array of unique words in the text



a map of letter frequencies in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


a map of bigram frequencies in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


a map of trigram frequencies in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


a map of word frequencies in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


a map of letter percentages in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


a map of bigram percentages in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


a map of trigram percentages in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


a map of word percentages in the sanitized text

Map<string, number>


The average size of a word



The middle size of a word



A nested map of maps that breaks down unique words into their smallest ngrams.

Instance Methods


gets an array of customizeable ngrams in the text

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | size | number | default = 2 size of the n-gram to return |

Returns Array<string>


a map of the most used letters in the text

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | limit | number | default = 20 number of top letters to return |

Returns Map<string, number>


a map of the most used bigrams in the text

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | limit | number | default = 20 number of top bigrams to return |

Returns Map<string, number>


a map of the most used trigrams in the text

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | limit | number | default = 20 number of top trigrams to return |

Returns Map<string, number>


a map of the most used words in the text

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | limit | number | default = 20 number of top words to return |

Returns Map<string, number>


Compare this methodius instance to another

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | methodius | Methodius | another Methodius instance |

Returns Map<string, Map> A map of property names and their comparisons (intersection, disjunctiveUnions, etc) for a set of properties

getRelatedTopNgrams(ngramSize, limit)

Gets the ngrams that will occur before or after other ngrams based on what the most frequent ngrams are. Useful for finding patterns of ngrams.

Parameters | name | type | Description | | --- |--- | --- | | ngramSize | number | default = 2. the size of the ngram | | limit | number | default = 20. the number of top ngrams to use |


Map<string, number> A frequency map of how often the most common ngrams occured before or after other common ngrams