0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

mhive v0.0.1

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9 years ago


Module with classes to distribute activities on machines across a network.

This module can be used to create workers as well as masters running on multiple machines on the network. The masters will automatically ask the workers to connect to them, after which the masters and workers can make remote procedure calls. This allows you to create a master that runs code on a number of workers and gathers the results.

Getting Started

  1. Install mHive via NPM.

    npm install mhive

    Optionally: rename mhive to mHive: npm is unable to handle the complexity of uppercase characters in a module name. Node.js on Windows does not have this problem, so renaming the folder is not required for you to use the module.

  2. Require mHive in your project.

    var mHive = require("mHive");

  3. Instantiate a cWorker on one machine to be able to run activities on it.

    var dfProcedures = {
      "Send greetings": function (oTCPJSONRPC, xData, fCallback) {
        if (typeof(xData) !== "string") {
          fCallback(new Error("Expected data to be a string, got " + typeof(xData)));
        } else {
          fCallback(undefined, "Hello, " + xData + "!");
    var oHiveWorker = new mHive.cWorker(dfProcedures);
  4. Instantiate a cMaster to be able to enumerate active cWorker instances on the local network and run activities on them.

    var oHiveMaster = new mHive.cMaster();
    oHiveMaster.on("connect", function (oTCPJSONRPCConnection) {
      oTCPJSONRPCConnection.fCall("Send greetings", "world", function (oError, xResult) {
        if (oError) {
          console.log(oError); // Handle error
        } else {
          console.log(xResult); // Handle result, outputs "Hello, world!".


The cWorker and cMaster instances can be on the same machine or on two different machines. cMaster instances periodically broadcast a message over UDP that requests cWorker instances to connect to it. cWorker instances listen for such UDP messages and connect to the cMaster instance when they receive one (unless a connection to that cMaster instance already exists).

When a master receives a connection from a worker, it emits a connect event. When a worker connects to a master, it also emits a connect event. Both these events have an mTCPJSONRCP.cConnection instance as the first argument, which can be used to make remote procedure calls. See mTCPJSONRPC for more details about how to make remote procedure calls using these objects.


class cWorker

Can be used to create connections to (remote) cMaster instances. These connections can be used to to request remote procedure calls from the master as well as allow the master to request remote procedure calls from the worker.

class cMaster

Can be used to request and accept connections from (remote) cWorker instances. These connections can be used to request remote procedure calls from the worker as well as allow the worker to request remote procedure calls from the master.


[new] mHive.cWorker(Object dxOptions);

Where dxOptions is an object that can have the following properties:

  • Number uIPVersion: IP version to use (valid values: 4 (default), 6).
  • String sHostName: device to receive UDP broadcasts on (default: machine hostname, use "localhost" to receive only UDP messages from the local machine).
  • Number uPort: port number to listen for UDP broadcasts on (default: 28876).
  • Number uConnectionKeepAlive: Time in milliseconds between TCP connection keep alive packets (detault: undefined, meaning do not use TCP keep alive).
  • Object dfProcedures an associative array describing the procedures the remote end of the connection can request. See below for more details.
[new] mHive.cMaster(Object dxOptions);

Where dxOptions is an object that can have the following properties:

  • Number uIPVersion: IP version to use (valid values: 4 (default), 6).
  • String sHostName: device to send UDP broadcasts on as well as bind the TCP server socket to (default: machine hostname, use "localhost" to allow only connections from the local machine).
  • Number uPort: port number to send UDP broadcasts on as well as bind the TCP server socket to (default: 28876).
  • Number uBroadcastInterval: Time in milliseconds between sending connection requests over UDP (default: 10,000, undefined means do not automatically send such requests).
  • Number uConnectionKeepAlive: Time in milliseconds between TCP connection keep alive packets (detault: undefined, meaning do not use TCP keep alive).
  • Number uMTU: Maximum Transmit Unit for the network, which is used when sending UDP packets (default: undefined, meaning automatically determine if possible).
  • Object dfProcedures an associative array describing the procedures the remote end of the connection can request. See below for more details.

dxOptions.dfProcedures contains functions identified by a (string) name, which represent the procedures that can be called remotely. These functions take three arguments: 1. a cConnection instance that represents the connection over which the request was made. 2. a value of any type, provided by the caller, which serves as the arguments/ parameters of the procedure call. 3. a callback function that should be called if the procedure wants to return a value or report an error. This callback function takes two arguments: 1. an Error instance or undefined to indicate if there was an error or not and provide details on the error. 2. a value of any type that represents the result of the procedure call. This argument is ignored if the first argument is not undefined. Both these two arguments must be values that can be converted to a string using JSON.stringify, as they will be send back to the caller.


These apply to cWorker and cMaster instances

error, parameter: Error oError

Emitted when there is an error in the network connection.


Emitted when the worker is waiting for connect requests from a master, or when a master is accepting connections and sending out connection requests.

connect, parameter: mTCPJSONRCP.cConnection oConnection

Emitted when a worker establishes a connection to a master or when a master has accepted a connection from a worker.


Emitted by a worker when it has no more connections to masters and stopped listening for new connection requests. Emitted by a master when it has no more connections to workers, is not accepting any new connections and no longer sending connection request. This can happen when there is a network error or after you tell the worker/master to stop.


These apply to cWorker and cMaster instances

Object dfProcedures

An associative array of procedures that can be called. It is initially provided through the dfProcedures property of the dxOptions argument of the constructor. Procedures can be added and removed from the object at any time. See above for more details.


undefined fStop(Boolean bDisconnect)

''Applies to both cWorker and cMaster instances.'' Causes a worker to stop listening for connection requests and make new connections. Causes a master to stop broadcasting connection requests and accept new connections. if bDisconnect is true, all existing connections emitted by the object are disconnected.

undefined fSendConnectionRequest()

''Applies only to cMaster instances.'' Broadcast a request for workers to connect. This is also done periodically if dxOptions.uBroadcastInterval was not undefined.


This code is licensed under CC0 v1.0 Universal.