1.0.0 • Published 6 years ago

micro-jwt-jwks-rsa-auth v1.0.0

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6 years ago

micro-jwt-jwks-rsa-authJWT authorization wrapper for Micro

Build Status npm


An Authorization header with value Bearer MY_TOKEN_HERE is expected to be present in all requests. The decoded token will be available as req.jwt after successful authentication for other handlers.

If the token is missing or validation fails, an Error will be thrown with the statusCode property set to 401. This is handled automatically by the micro framework, or can be intercepted with error handlers such as micro-boom.

The wrapper can be configured to validate against either a fixed secret or dynamically using jwks-rsa.

const jwtAuth = require('micro-jwt-jwks-rsa-auth')

const auth = jwtAuth({
  secret, // 1
  jwksRsaConfig, // 2, 3
  kid, // 3

const handler = async(req, res) => { ... } // Your micro logic

module.exports = auth(handler)

Mandatory Configuration Options

  1. Fixed secret only (no jwks-rsa)
  2. jwksRsaConfig configuration only (kid is looked up from request jwt token headers)
  3. jwksRsaConfig and fixed kid (kid on jwt is ignored)

Optional Configuration Options

  • validAudiences: List of audiences considered valid. If omitted, audience is not validated.
  • whitelist: List of paths where authentication is not enforced (token will still be decoded if present)
  • resAuthMissing: Custom error message for missing authentication header
  • resAuthInvalid: Custom error message for invalid token
  • resAudInvalid: Custom error message for invalid audience


With Fixed Secret

'use strict'

const jwtAuth = require('micro-jwt-jwks-rsa-auth')
const auth = jwtAuth({ secret: 'my_jwt_secret' });

const handler = async(req, res) => {
  return `Ciaone ${req.jwt.username}!`

module.exports = auth(handler)

With jwks-rsa Instead of Fixed Secret

'use strict'

const jwtAuth = require('micro-jwt-jwks-rsa-auth')
const ms = require('ms')

const jwksRsaConfig = {
  strictSsl: true,
  cache: true,
  cacheMaxEntries: 5,
  cacheMaxAge: ms('10h'),
  jwksUri: 'https://<your-auth-domain>/.well-known/jwks.json'
const auth = jwtAuth({ jwksRsaConfig: jwksRsaConfig });
// Fixed kid: jwtAuth({ jwksRsaConfig: jwksRsaConfig, kid: 'abcdefg' });

const handler = async(req, res) => {
  return `Ciaone ${req.jwt.username}!`

module.exports = auth(handler)

With micro-router

'use strict'

const { router, get, post, put, patch, del } = require('microrouter')
const jwtAuth = require('micro-jwt-jwks-rsa-auth')
const auth = jwtAuth(...);

// All routes
const routes = router(
  get('/route1/', handler),
  get('/route2/', handler)
module.exports = auth(routes)

// Individual routes
const routes = router(
  get('/route1/', auth(handler)),
  get('/route2/', auth(handler))
module.exports = routes


Most of the code is based on micro-jwt-auth.
