0.2.4 • Published 6 years ago

microback v0.2.4

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Last release
6 years ago


An API microservice server using koa. It can be used to build both REST API and Websocket server.

For starter application please look at: microback-starter


To start from scratch

  1. yarn add microback
  2. add .env file
  3. add following key
  4. add app folder
  5. add api inside app folder
  6. create your first REST API controller which in this case UserRest
        * import all necessary function from microback
        * RestGen is responsible to create automatic route
        * route is decorator funciton
        * auth is used for hashing some string e.g. password
      import { RestGen, route, auth } from 'microback'
      import User from 'model/user'
      class UserRest extends RestGen {
          * construction is used to pass the name
          * of the endpoint which will be automatically pluralized
          * for certain endpoints which can be checked from
          * http://yourhost/routes
          * second argument is for model object if you need to create
          * automatic RESt routes for a certain model and this is optional
        constructor () {
          super('user', User)
          * creating route with method and path
          * using decorator pattern and write 
          * function using async await
        @route('post', 'login')
        async login (ctx) {
          try {
            let body = ctx.request.body
            body.password = auth.generateHash(body.password)
            const token = await auth.login(body.email, body.password, User)
            ctx.body = { success: true, token }
          } catch (error) {
            ctx.body = { success: false, error }
      export default UserRest