0.0.6 • Published 3 years ago

midtrans-node-client v0.0.6

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Midtrans Node

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npm install midtrans-node-client -S or yarn add midtrans-node-client -S

API Documentation

API Reference

Core API Services

  • charge( parameter: object ) : Promise

    chargePOSTCreate transaction with various available payment methods and features
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 10000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 20000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'
  • capture( parameter: object ) : Promise

    capturePOSTCapture an authorized transaction for card payment
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
          transaction_id: "be4f3e44-d6ee-4355-8c64-c1d1dc7f4590",
          gross_amount: 100000
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
         transaction_id: "be4f3e44-d6ee-4355-8c64-c1d1dc7f4590",
         gross_amount: 100000
  • cardRegister( parameter: object ) : Promise

    cardRegisterGETRegister card information (card number and expiry) to be used for two clicks and one click
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		   card_number: '5421813858532415',
    		   card_exp_month: '10',
    		   card_exp_year: '2024',
    		   card_cvv: '426',
    		   client_key: core.apiConfig.get().clientKey
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		   card_number: '5421813858532415',
    		   card_exp_month: '10',
    		   card_exp_year: '2024',
    		   card_cvv: '426',
    		   client_key: core.apiConfig.get().clientKey
  • cardToken( parameter: object ) : Promise

    cardTokenGETTokenize Credit Card information before being charged
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		  card_number: '5421813858532415',
    		  card_exp_month: '10',
    		  card_exp_year: '2024',
    		  card_cvv: '426',
    		  client_key: core.apiConfig.get().clientKey
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		  card_number: '5421813858532415',
    		  card_exp_month: '10',
    		  card_exp_year: '2024',
    		  card_cvv: '426',
    		  client_key: core.apiConfig.get().clientKey
  • cardPointInquiry( tokenId: string ) : Promise

    cardPointInquiryGETGet the point balance of the card in denomination amount
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY

Iris API Services

  • ping(): Promise

    pingGETReturns pong message for monitoring purpose
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • createBeneficiaries( parameter: object ): Promise

    createBeneficiariesPOSTcreate a new beneficiary information for quick access on the payout page in Iris Portal.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    			name: 'Restu Wahyu Saputra',
    			account: '5432198760',
    			bank: 'bca',
    			alias_name: 'restu',
    			email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    			 name: 'Restu Wahyu Saputra',
    			 account: '5432198760',
    			 bank: 'bca',
    			 alias_name: 'restu',
    			 email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com'
  • updateBeneficiaries( aliasName: string, parameter: object ): Promise

    updateBeneficiariesPATCHUpdate an existing beneficiary identified by its alias_name
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    			name: 'Restu Wahyu Saputra',
    			account: '5432198760',
    			bank: 'bca',
    			alias_name: 'restu',
    			email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    			 name: 'Restu Wahyu Saputra',
    			 account: '5432198760',
    			 bank: 'bca',
    			 alias_name: 'restu',
    			 email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com'
  • getBeneficiaries(): Promise

    getBeneficiariesGETFetch list of all beneficiaries saved in Iris Portal
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • createPayouts( parameter: object ): Promise

    createPayoutsPOSTCreator to create a payout. It can be used for single payout and also multiple payouts.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        payouts: [
             beneficiary_name: 'Restu Wahyu Saputra',
             beneficiary_account: '5432198760',
             beneficiary_bank: 'bca',
             beneficiary_email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
             amount: '100000',
             notes: 'Payout 31 January 2021'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        payouts: [
             beneficiary_name: 'Restu Wahyu Saputra',
             beneficiary_account: '5432198760',
             beneficiary_bank: 'bca',
             beneficiary_email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
             amount: '100000',
             notes: 'Payout 31 January 2021'
  • approvePayouts( parameter: object ): Promise

    approvePayoutsPOSTApporver to approve multiple payout request.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    			reference_nos: ['20543502291'],
    			otp: '335163'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    			reference_nos: ['20543502291'],
    			otp: '335163'
  • rejectPayouts( parameter: object ): Promise

    rejectPayoutsPOSTApporver to reject multiple payout request.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		  reference_nos: ['eyad5swd9b026c5kmr'],
    		  reject_reason: 'Reason to reject payouts'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		  reference_nos: ['eyad5swd9b026c5kmr'],
    		  reject_reason: 'Reason to reject payouts'
  • getPayoutDetails( referenceNo: string ): Promise

    getPayoutDetailsGETGet details of a single payout
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		  reference_nos: ['eyad5swd9b026c5kmr'],
    		  reject_reason: 'Reason to reject payouts'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    		  reference_nos: ['eyad5swd9b026c5kmr'],
    		  reject_reason: 'Reason to reject payouts'
  • getTransactionHistory( parameter: string): Promise

    getTransactionHistoryGETList all transactions history for a month.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       iris.getTransactionHistory({ from_date: "2020-11-01", to_date: "2020-12-28" })
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       iris.getTransactionHistory({ from_date: "2020-11-01", to_date: "2020-12-28" })
  • getTopupChannels(): Promise

    getTopupChannelsGETProvide top up information channel for Aggregator Partner
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • getBalance(): Promise

    getBalanceGETget current balance
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • getFacilitatorBankAccounts(): Promise

    getFacilitatorBankAccountsGETShow list of registered bank accounts for facilitator partner
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • getFacilitatorBalance( bankAccountId: string ): Promise

    getFacilitatorBalanceGETGet current balance information of your registered bank account.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • getBeneficiaryBanks(): Promise

    getBeneficiaryBanksGETShow list of supported banks in IRIS.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • validateBankAccount( parameter: object ): Promise

    validateBankAccountGETCheck if an account is valid, if valid return account information.
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       iris.validateBankAccount({ bank: 'danamon', account: '000001137298' )
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       const iris = new MidtransClient.Iris({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       iris.validateBankAccount({ bank: 'danamon', account: '000001137298' )

Snap API Services

  • createTransaction( parameter: object ): Promise

    createTransactionPOSTcreate transaction payment using snap integaration payment method
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 10000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 20000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'
  • createTransactionToken( parameter: object ): Promise

    createTransactionTokenPOSTcreate transaction payment token using snap integaration payment method
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 10000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 20000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'
  • createTransactionRedirectUrl( parameter: object ): Promise

    createTransactionRedirectUrlPOSTcreate transaction payment redirect using snap integaration payment method
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 10000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
        	payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
          bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
          transaction_details: {
            order_id: uuidv4(),
            gross_amount: 100000
          item_details: [
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
             quantity: 2
             price: 25000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
             quantity: 1
             price: 30000
             id: uuidv4(),
             name: 'just alpuckat'
             quantity: 2
             price: 20000
          customer_details: {
          	first_name: 'restu wahyu',
            last_name: ' saputra',
            email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
            phone: '087820154350',
            billing_address:  {
            	address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
              city: 'Depok',
              postal_code: '16436'

Transaction API Services

  • status( transactionId: string ): Promise

    statusGETGet information status of a transaction with certain order_id or transaction_id
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • statusb2b( transactionId: string ): Promise

    statusb2bGETGet information status of multiple B2B transactions related to certain order_id or transaction_id
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • approve( transactionId: string ): Promise

    approvePOSTApprove a transaction with certain order_id or transaction_id which gets challenge status from Fraud Detection System
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • deny( transactionId: string ): Promise

    denyPOSTDeny a transaction with certain order_id or transaction_id which gets challenge status from Fraud Detection System
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • cancel( transactionId: string ): Promise

    cancelPOSTCancel a transaction with certain order_id or transaction_id before settlement process
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • expire( transactionId: string ): Promise

    expirePOSTUpdate order_id or transaction_id with pending status to be expired
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
  • refund( transactionId: string, parameter?: object): Promise

    refundPOSTUpdate order_id or transaction_id with settlement status to be refund
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       snap.transaction.refund('be4f3e44-d6ee-4355-8c64-c1d1dc7f4590', {
         amount: 1000000, 
         reason: 'Reason to refund payouts'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       snap.transaction.refund('be4f3e44-d6ee-4355-8c64-c1d1dc7f4590', {
         amount: 1000000, 
         reason: 'Reason to refund payouts'
  • refundDirect( transactionId: string, parameter?: object): Promise

    refundDirectPOSTAttempt to send refund to bank or payment provider and update the transaction status to refund if it succeeded
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       snap.transaction.refundDirect('be4f3e44-d6ee-4355-8c64-c1d1dc7f4590', {
         amount: 1000000, 
         reason: 'Reason to refund direct payouts'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       snap.transaction.refundDirect('be4f3e44-d6ee-4355-8c64-c1d1dc7f4590', {
         amount: 1000000, 
         reason: 'Reason to direct payouts'
  • notification( notification: object ): Promise

    notificationundefinedadditional mechanism we provide to verify the content and the origin of the notification is to challenge
    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       let getResponse;
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       .then((res) => getResponse = res)
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       let getResponse;
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
       .then((res) => getResponse = res)

Custome Usage

For custom usage already using type definitions for ease of use and for all functions that use parameters all have type definitions.

  • charge( parameter: object ) : Promise

    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
          chargeBankTransfer: {
            payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
            bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
            transaction_details: {
              order_id: uuidv4(),
              gross_amount: 100000
            item_details: [
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
               quantity: 2
               price: 25000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
               quantity: 1
               price: 30000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'just alpuckat'
               quantity: 2
               price: 10000
            customer_details: {
              first_name: 'restu wahyu',
              last_name: ' saputra',
              email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
              phone: '087820154350',
              billing_address:  {
                address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
                city: 'Depok',
                postal_code: '16436'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const core = new MidtransClient.CoreApi({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
          chargeBankTransfer: {
            payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
            bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
            transaction_details: {
              order_id: uuidv4(),
              gross_amount: 100000
            item_details: [
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
               quantity: 2
               price: 25000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
               quantity: 1
               price: 30000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'just alpuckat'
               quantity: 2
               price: 10000
            customer_details: {
              first_name: 'restu wahyu',
              last_name: ' saputra',
              email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
              phone: '087820154350',
              billing_address:  {
                address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
                city: 'Depok',
                postal_code: '16436'
  • createTransaction( parameter: object ): Promise

    • Example Usage Using CommonJS
       const { MidtransClient } = require('midtrans-node-client')
       const { v4: uuidv4 } = require('uuid')
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
          BcaVirtualAccount: {
            payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
            bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
            transaction_details: {
              order_id: uuidv4(),
              gross_amount: 100000
            item_details: [
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
               quantity: 2
               price: 25000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
               quantity: 1
               price: 30000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'just alpuckat'
               quantity: 2
               price: 20000
            customer_details: {
              first_name: 'restu wahyu',
              last_name: ' saputra',
              email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
              phone: '087820154350',
              billing_address:  {
                address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
                city: 'Depok',
                postal_code: '16436'
    • Example Usage Using ES6
       import { MidtransClient } from 'midtrans-node-client'
       import { v4 as uuidv4 } from 'uuid'
       const snap = new MidtransClient.Snap({
         isProduction: process.env.DEVELOPMENT,
         serverKey: process.env.SERVER_KEY,
         clientKey: process.env.CLIENT_KEY
          BcaVirtualAccount: {
            payment_type: 'bank_transfer',
            bank_transfer: { bank: 'bca' },
            transaction_details: {
              order_id: uuidv4(),
              gross_amount: 100000
            item_details: [
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'ayam bakar sambal balado'
               quantity: 2
               price: 25000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'sop iga bakar daging lunak'
               quantity: 1
               price: 30000
               id: uuidv4(),
               name: 'just alpuckat'
               quantity: 2
               price: 20000
            customer_details: {
              first_name: 'restu wahyu',
              last_name: ' saputra',
              email: 'restuwahyu13@zetmail.com',
              phone: '087820154350',
              billing_address:  {
                address: 'jl.sibuta gua hantu no.120',
                city: 'Depok',
                postal_code: '16436'

Custome Reference

  • Custome Core API Service - charge Request

    chargeBankTransfer?: ChargeBankTransfer
    		chargeCreditCard?: ChargeCreditCard
    		chargeNon3DS?: ChargeNon3DS
    		charge3DS?: Charge3DS
    		chargePermata?: ChargePermataVirtualAccount
    		chargeBca?: ChargeBcaVirtualAccount
    		chargeMandiri?: ChargeMandiriVirtualAccount
    		chargeBni?: ChargeBniVirtualAccount
    		chargeBri?: ChargeBriVirtualAccount
    		chargeBcaKlikPay?: ChargeBcaKlikpay
    		chargeKlikBca?: ChargeKlikBca
    		chargeBriEpay?: ChargeBriEpay
    		chargeChimbClick?: ChargeCimbClick
    		chargeDanamonOnline?: ChargeDanamonOnline
    		chargeQris?: ChargeQris
    		chargeGopay?: ChargeGopay
    		chargeShopeePay?: ChargeShoopePay
    		chargeIndomaret?: ChargeIndomaret
    		chargeAlfamart?: ChargeAlfamart
    		chargeAkuLaku?: ChargeAkuLaku
  • Custome Snap Service - createTransaction Request

    		snapCreditCard?: SnapCreditCard
    		snapFull?: SnapFull
    		snapBca?: SnapBcaVirtualAccount
    		snapPermata?: SnapPermataVirtualAccount
    		snapBni?: SnapBniVirtualAccoun