0.1.3 • Published 5 years ago

migrate-github v0.1.3

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Last release
5 years ago


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A command-line tool with the ambitious goal of becoming the one-stop shop for GitHub migrations. For now though, it's a minimal wrapper for only the most basic purposes.


  • The command migrate-github works out of the box with npm i -g
  • Comes with a nice help screen (migrate-github -h)
  • Can start user migrations
  • Can list user migrations
  • Can get the status of a user migration
  • Can download a user migration archive (there's a known memory issue related to how the program downloads files, but only large archives are affected. There's a work-in-progress fix @ refactor-download-migration-request)
  • Can delete a user migration archive
  • Can unlock user repositories (in progress @ unlock-repos)
  • Can complete the entire process of creating an archive with a single command (in progress @ add-synchronous-migrate-command)
  • Can perform actions on organization migrations

Who is this?

migrate-github is under :construction: by Solomon Victorino ("sgvictorino"), who :heart: building useful software.


Feel free to make some of the above features a reality by opening a pull request! Everyone is welcome to contribute without feeling the pressure to write JavaScript of the same standards of professionals; we're all beginners here in our own ways. After all, this is the first Node project that Solomon has built from scratch. He won't be turned off by constructive criticism on any of his code, especially pull requests with the label "help wanted".


The code is all formatted with Prettier's default styles.

I'm adopting semantic-release's commit message format slowly but surely.


Thanks to everyone who contributed to the octokit/rest.js project.

Additionally, the commander and configstore packages are making the development of this tool a lot easier by providing a simple interface for declaring commands and hacking together persistent storage, respectively.