1.3.1 • Published 9 months ago

migrate-github-project v1.3.1

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9 months ago

Migrate GitHub Project

Migrate GitHub Projects between:

  • different GitHub products (e.g. GitHub Enterprise Server to GitHub.com)
  • organizations using the same GitHub product (e.g. classic GitHub.com organization to Enterprise Managed Users organization).
  • users using the same GitHub product


To use migrate-github-project, you must be running a supported release of Node.js. At the time of writing, v16, v18 and v20 are supported.


The following data is not migrated and will be skipped:

  • Views
  • The order of project items displayed in your views
  • Workflows
  • Iteration custom fields
  • Draft issues' assignees

Migrated draft issues will show as being created by the person who ran the migration at the time they ran the migration. A note will be prepended to the body with original author login and timestamp.


Step 1. Migrate your issues and pull requests

Items in GitHub Projects are linked to issues and pull requests. Before you can migrate a project with migrate-github-project, you need to migrate the relevant issues and pull requests.

If you're migrating from GitHub Enterprise Server to GitHub.com or between organizations on GitHub.com, you can migrate your issues and pull requests using GitHub Enterprise Importer.

If you're migrating to GitHub Enterprise Server, you can migrate your issues and pull requests using ghe-migrator.

When you run your migrations, make a note of the new owner and repo name for each repository.

Step 2. Install migrate-github-project

Install the Node.js package from npm by running npm install -g migrate-github-project.

Step 3: Export your project from migration source

migrate-github-project works in two distinct phases: export and import. The first step is to export your project and its items from your migration source.

To export a project, you'll need a token with appropriate permissions. You'll need a classic token with the read:project and repo scopes, authorized for SSO if applicable.

You can export your project and its items using the migrate-github-project export command:

migrate-github-project export \
    # A GitHub access token with the permissions described above. This can also be configured using the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable.
    --access-token GITHUB_TOKEN \
    # The organization or user who owns the project you want to export
    --project-owner monalisa \
    # The type of the owner of the project you want to export (defaults to organization; only required if the owner is a user)
    --project-owner-type user \
    # The number of the project you want to export
    --project-number 1337 \
    # OPTIONAL: The base URL of the GitHub API, if you're migrating from a migration source other than GitHub.com.
    --base-url https://github.acme.inc/api/v3

When the export finishes, you'll have two files written to your current directory:

  • project.json: The raw data of your project and all of its project items
  • repository-mappings.csv: A repository mappings CSV template that you need to fill out with the names of your repositories in the migration target

Step 4. Complete the repository mappings template

You'll need to complete the repository-mappings.csv file outputted from the export command with repository mappings, so the tool knows how to match repositories in your migration source to repositories in your migration target.

The CSV will look like this:


Imagine that you're in the process of migrating from GitHub Enterprise Server to GitHub.com, and you've already moved your repositories into a new GitHub.com organization called monalisa-emu. You'd fill out the CSV like this:


If you don't want to map a repository - for example because it hasn't been migrated - just delete the line from the CSV or leave the target_repository blank. If a repository hasn't been mapped, project items related to that repository will be skipped during the import.

Step 5. Import your project into your migration target

You've exported your data and filled out the repository mappings template. You can now import your project into your migration target.

To export a project, you'll need a token with appropriate permissions. You'll need a classic token with the read:project and repo scopes, authorized for SSO if applicable. If you're creating an organization project, you'll also need the read:org scope.

You can import your project using the migrate-github-project import command:

migrate-github-project import \
    # A GitHub access token with the permissions described above. This can also be configured using the `GITHUB_TOKEN` environment variable.
    --access-token GITHUB_TOKEN \
    # The name of the organization or user that will own the newly-imported project
    --project-owner monalisa \
    # The type of the owner who will own the project (defaults to organization; only required if the owner is a user)
    --project-owner-type user \
    # The path of the project data generated by the `export` command
    --input-path project.json \
    # The path of the repository mappings file generated by the `export` command and completed by you
    --repository-mappings-path repository-mappings.csv \
    # OPTIONAL: The base URL of the GitHub API, if you're migrating to a migration target other than GitHub.com.
    --base-url https://github.acme.inc/api/v3

Near the start of the import, the tool will ask you to manually set up your options for the "Status" field. It will explain exactly what to do, and will validate that you've correctly copied the options from your migration source.

Once you've set up the "Status" field, your project will be imported. Watch out for warn lines in the logs, which will let you know about data which hasn't been imported.