1.0.0 • Published 2 years ago

milo-leveling v1.0.0

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Last release
2 years ago


$ npm install --save discord-leveling

Checkout my package for economy systems on discord bots! discord-economy

Required packages

  • sequelize the DB wrapper of sqlite3 of this project (npm install --save sequelize)
  • sqlite3 Core DB (npm install --save sqlite3)



  • 1.1.0 Finally back! For now only some typo fixes and cleaner code.


 * @param {string} [UserID] - Somebody's discord user ID.
 * @param {integer} [toSet] - How much xp you want the user to have.

var leveling = require('discord-leveling')
leveling.SetXp(UserID, toSet)

Expected Promise Output
{userid, xp}


* @param {string} [UserID] - Somebody's discord user ID.
* @param {integer} [toSet] - How much levels you want the user to have.

var leveling = require('discord-leveling')
leveling.SetLevel(UserID, toSet)

Expected Promise Output
{userid, level}


* @param {string} [UserID] - Somebody's discord user ID.
* @param {integer} [toAdd] - How much xp you want to add.

var leveling = require('discord-leveling')
leveling.AddXp(UserID, toAdd)

Expected Promise Output
{userid, oldxp, newxp}


* @param {string} [UserID] - Somebody's discord user ID.
* @param {integer} [toAdd] - How much levels you want to add.

var leveling = require('discord-leveling')
leveling.AddLevel(UserID, toAdd)

Expected Promise Output
{userid, oldlevel, newlevel}


 * @param {Object} data - The data you want to attach to the function.
  All keys in this object are optional.
 * @param {integer} data.limit - Limit how much users to fetch.
 * @param {string} data.search - Search the placement of a user in leaderboard.

var leveling = require('discord-leveling')
leveling.Leaderboard({limit: NUMBER, search: 'UserID'})

Expected Promise Output without data.search
[ {userid, level, xp}, {userid, level, xp}, {userid, level, xp} ]
array[0] is the first place of the leaderboard. array[1] second etc.

Expected Promise Output with data.search
{userid, placement}


 * @param {string} [UserID] - Somebody's discord user ID.

var leveling = require('discord-leveling')

Expected Promise Output
{userid, xp, level}


 * @param {string} [UserID] - Somebody's discord user ID.
var leveling = require('discord-leveling')

Expected Promise Output

Example Bot (discord.js)

If you want to make discord-leveling guild based you have to use message.author.id + message.guild.id as ID for example:
leveling.AddLevel(message.author.id + message.guild.id, toAdd).then(l => console.log(l))

This will create an unique ID for each guild member

//Requiring Packages
const Discord = require('discord.js'); //This can also be discord.js-commando or other node based packages!
const leveling = require('./app.js');

//Create the bot client
const client = new Discord.Client();

//Set the prefix and token of the bot.
const settings = {
  prefix: ';',
  token: 'YOUR TOKEN'

//Whenever someone types a message this gets activated.
//(If you use 'await' in your functions make sure you put async here)
client.on('message', async message => {

  //This reads the first part of your message behind your prefix to see which command you want to use.
  var command = message.content.toLowerCase().slice(settings.prefix.length).split(' ')[0];

  //These are the arguments behind the commands.
  var args = message.content.split(' ').slice(1);

  //If the user that types a message is a bot account return.
  if (message.author.bot) return;

  //When someone sends a message add xp
  var profile = await leveling.Fetch(message.author.id)
  leveling.AddXp(message.author.id, 10)
  //If user xp higher than 100 add level
  if (profile.xp + 10 > 100) {
    await leveling.AddLevel(message.author.id, 1)
    await leveling.SetXp(message.author.id, 0)
    message.reply(`You just leveled up!! You are now level: ${profile.level + 1}`)

  //If the message does not start with your prefix return.
  if (!message.content.startsWith(settings.prefix)) return;

  if (command === 'profile') {

    var user = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author

    var output = await leveling.Fetch(user.id)
    message.channel.send(`Hey ${user.tag}! You have ${output.level} level(s)! and ${output.xp} xp!`);

  if (command === 'setxp') {

    var amount = args[0]
    var user = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author

    var output = await leveling.SetXp(user.id, amount)
    message.channel.send(`Hey ${user.tag}! You now have ${amount} xp!`);

  if (command === 'setlevel') {

    var amount = args[0]
    var user = message.mentions.users.first() || message.author

    var output = await leveling.SetLevel(user.id, amount)
    message.channel.send(`Hey ${user.tag}! You now have ${amount} levels!`);

  if (command === 'leaderboard') {

    //If you put a mention behind the command it searches for the mentioned user in database and tells the position.
    if (message.mentions.users.first()) {

      var output = await leveling.Leaderboard({
        search: message.mentions.users.first().id
      message.channel.send(`The user ${message.mentions.users.first().tag} is number ${output.placement} on my leaderboard!`);

      //Searches for the top 3 and outputs it to the user.
    } else {

        limit: 3 //Only takes top 3 ( Totally Optional )
      }).then(async users => { //make sure it is async

        if (users[0]) var firstplace = await client.fetchUser(users[0].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for first place
        if (users[1]) var secondplace = await client.fetchUser(users[1].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for second place
        if (users[2]) var thirdplace = await client.fetchUser(users[2].userid) //Searches for the user object in discord for third place

        message.channel.send(`My leaderboard:

          1 - ${firstplace && firstplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[0] && users[0].level || 'None'} : ${users[0] && users[0].xp || 'None'}
          2 - ${secondplace && secondplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[1] && users[1].level || 'None'} : ${users[0] && users[0].xp || 'None'}
          3 - ${thirdplace && thirdplace.tag || 'Nobody Yet'} : ${users[2] && users[2].level || 'None'} : ${users[0] && users[0].xp || 'None'}`)



  if (command == 'delete') { //You want to make this command admin only!

    var user = message.mentions.users.first()
    if (!user) return message.reply('Please specify a user I have to delete in my database!')

    if (!message.guild.me.hasPermission(`ADMINISTRATION`)) return message.reply('You need to be admin to execute this command!')

    var output = await leveling.Delete(user.id)
    if (output.deleted == true) return message.reply('Succesfully deleted the user out of the database!')

    message.reply('Error: Could not find the user in database.')



//Your secret token to log the bot in. (never show this to anyone!)