0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

min-flux v0.0.1

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Last release
9 years ago


MinFlux is a minimal, convention based framework for creating React and React-Native applications with the Flux architecture.

This framework is written with ES2015 syntax via Babel. It uses Gulp running tasks like testing and building. We use Mocha as our testing framework and Chai as our test assertion library.


Components are React components. Their sole responsiblity is to render a UI and update said UI whenever their state or props change. Components get the data necessary for their state from Stores.

Each Store is a single source of truth for a specific domain of an application. Multiple Stores can, and probably will, exist within one application. They house, fetch, persist, and modify data from user interactions, web APIs, and etc. They expose methods to query for this data.

ActionCreators are Component accessible events triggers. They are the only way to cause data change within the application. The events they trigger are ActionTypes.

These ActionTypes and additional needed data are passed to the Dispatcher. The Dispatcher is the publisher/subcriber manager. It broadcasts the ActionTypes and additional needed data to all Stores that subsribed to it. Multiple Stores may respond to one ActionType, it is up to the store to decide what to do when it receives an ActionType notification.


We believe in a unidirectional flow of data.

  1. Components are responsible for rendering logic and cannot manipulate state directly
  2. Components subscribe to change event from any number of Stores
  3. ActionCreators expose methods to dispatch ActionTypes via the Dispatcher
  4. Components, as necessary, invoke those methods on ActionCreators upon initial presentation and user interaction
  5. Dispatcher broadcasts the ActionTypes to all Stores
  6. Stores get notified of new ActionType requests and update data as necessary
  7. Stores notifiy all subscribed Components of change event if there was any change to data
  8. Components upon change notification from any of the Stores they subscribed to, update state by querying those Stores for new data
  9. Components rerender themselves if their state changed


  • Since Stores are the ones managing the data, all components that subscribe to a particular Store will share the same data. There will be no conflicting component since state since all Component states are facets of the data that comes from the store.
  • Stores, ActionCreators, and Dispatcher are Component independent, so multiple Components can leverage the same action triggers and data query methods.
  • Components never directly change data so, debugging is just a matter of following the flow of actions.


$ npm install [--save] min-flux


// ThreadStore.js
'use strict';

var MinFlux = require('min-flux');
var ActionCreator = require('./action-creator');

module.exports = new MinFlux.Store({
  // Component accessible query method
  getAllThreads() {
    var result = Object.keys(this._data).map((key) => {
      return ImmutableCopy(this._data[key]);

    return result;

  // Component accessible query method
  getSelectedThread() {
    return ImmutableCopy(this.selectedThread);

  _fetchThreads() {
    var aPromise = // AJAX, AsyncStorage, WebSockets, whatever to fetch new data
    aPromise.then((payload) => {
      // Update our internal data house with new data
      this._data = payload;

      // Emit a change event for all of our subscribed Components

  _selectedThread: null,
  _selectThread(threadID) {
    this._selectedThread = this._data[threadID];

    // Emit a change event for all of our subscribed Components

   * The keys within actionTypeHandlers MUST match the ActionType that it is
   * trying to handle.
  actionTypeHandlers: {
    FETCH_THREADS(action) {

    SELECT_THREAD(action) {

// ThreadActionCreator
'use strict';

var MinFlux = require('min-flux');

module.exports = new MinFlux.ActionCreator({
   * These are ActionTypes. All Stores that want to handle them, must have
   * corresponding properties in their actionTypeHandlers hash.
  actionTypes: {
    FETCH_THREADS: null,
    SELECT_THREAD: null,

  selectThread(threadID) {
    this.dispatch(this.actionTypes.SELECT_THREAD, {
      threadID: threadID,

  fetchThreads() {

// Component.js
'use strict';

var ThreadActionCreator = require('./ThreadActionCreator');
var ThreadStore = require('./ThreadStore');

var React = require('react-native');
var {
} = React;

module.exports = React.createClass({
  componentDidMount() {
    // Subscribe to ThreadStore change event

  componentWillUnmount() {
    // Unsubscribe to ThreadStore change event

  _onChange() {
    var threads = ThreadStore.getAllThreads();
    var selectedThread = ThreadStore.getSelectedThread();

    // Update our state so that UI is rerendered
      threads: threads,
      selectedThread: selectedThread,

  _onPress(threadID) {

  render() {
    var threads = this.state.threads;
    var selectedThread = this.state.selectedThread;

    var threadsUI = threads.forEach((thread) => {
      return (
        <TouchableHighlight onPress={() => this._onPress(thread.id) }>

    return (
        <Text>Selected Thread: {selectedThread.name}<Text>



 * Constructor function for new MinFlux.Store.
 * Registers a callback to the dispatcher that will map an incoming action
 * type to an action type handler if it is found in the spec. It will set the
 * dispatchToken property.
 * @method create
 * @param spec {Object} custom properties for new ActionCreator instance
 * @return {MinFlux.ActionCreator}
 * Hash used to house the Store's data. Only interact with this in your Store
 * instance
 * @private
 * @property _data
 * Emits the change event which will trigger all the registered callbacks.
 * @method emitChange
 * @return {MinFlux.Store}
 * Registers a callback to the Store's change event.
 * @method addChangeListener
 * @param callback {Function} the callback that will be registered
 * @return {MinFlux.Store}
 * Removes a registered callback from the Store's change event.
 * @method removeChangeListener
 * @param callback {Function} the callback that was registered prior
 * @return {MinFlux.Store}


 * Constructor function for new MinFlux.ActionCreator.
 * It accepts a spec argument. It must contain an actionTypes property. It must
 * be a hash. They keys are the constants used for action type. The values must
 * be null.
 * {
 *   ACTION_TYPE_1: null,
 *   ACTION_TYPE_2: null,
 *   ...,
 *   ACTION_TYPE_N: null,
 * }
 * @method create
 * @param spec {Object} custom properties for new ActionCreator instance
 * @return {MinFlux.ActionCreator}
 * A hash of string constants that are used to broadcasts actions to Stores.
 * @property actionTypes
 * @type {Object}
 * @default {}
MiniFlux.ActionCreator.dispatch(actionType, payload)
 * Broadcasts an action type and payload for consumption by Stores.
 * @method dispatch
 * @param actionType {Object} an action type from the action types hash
 * @param payload {Object} data to send along with action
 * @return {MinFlux.ActionCreator}


This just a singleton of Facebook's Flux dispatcher. Refer to HERE for the documentation. You shouldn't have to interact with this singleton directly.

Contributing to MinFlux

Fork git@github.com:jnhuynh/min-flux.git, clone your new fork.

$ cd min-flux
$ npm install
$ npm install -g gulp
$ npm install -g mocha

Testing MinFlux

For one test run:

$ gulp test


$ gulp

For live reloading:

$ gulp live-test

Building MinFlux

$ gulp build