1.0.2 • Published 9 years ago

mincer-simple-server v1.0.2

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Last release
9 years ago


Compile your mincer assets as fast as idiomatically possible—just a curl localhost away.

mincer-simple-server supports out of the box:

  • Source Maps
  • CoffeeScript
  • Haml Coffee Templates
  • Persistent assets caching on the filesystem, through Mincer.FileStore


$ npm install mincer-simple-server



$ npm install
$ node serve.js --root /Users/randall/Workspace/project/ --include lib/assets/javascripts vendor/assets/javascripts --build_dir build --enable-source-maps --files application.js.coffee


  • --root (String): --include and --build-dir are calculated against this value. Required.
  • --include (yargs.array): Mincer load path directories. Required.
  • --build-dir (String): Assets/maps/mincer cache are all built here. Required.
  • --enable-source-maps (Boolean): Toggle source map generation on (at a performance hit). Optional, defaults to false.
  • --port (String): Port the server listens on. Optional, defaults to 3000.
  • --files (yargs.array): Files in the Mincer load path to be processed. Required.

The first compile of an asset with a lot of require calls will take a long time (~20s on a 2014 MacBook Pro) because a cache will be built to $build_dir/cache.


To mince assets:

$ curl -X PUT localhost:3000

To kill the server:

$ curl localhost:3000/exit

Contributing :heart_eyes:

  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Added some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create new Pull Request


  1. Keep things simple
  • The mincer API has support for a lot of features, including manifest files (to track asset hash changes) and built-in connect middleware...
  • ...but in lieu of using the aforementioned methods (Manifest.compile and Server.compile) to build assets, we call Environment.findAsset. It's a lower level method that spits out an Asset object in only one line, and it helps keep us out of callback hell.
  1. Run jshint before you submit anything upstream