1.0.3 • Published 5 years ago

minecraft-addon-toolchain-browserify v1.0.3

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Last release
5 years ago



Adds support for modern JavaScript features not supported by the Minecraft Scripting Engine, such as modules and multi-file projects.

By default, UI JavaScript files are not processed by browserify as these scripts typically can be loaded individually without needint to package them. If you wish to package your UI code, you should check the bundleSources and entryPoints configuration settings


npm install --save-dev minecraft-addon-toolchain-browserify

Adding to the toolchain

const MinecraftAddonBuilder = require("minecraft-addon-toolchain/v1");
const BrowserifySupport = require("minecraft-addon-toolchain-browserify");

const builder = new MinecraftAddonBuilder(<youraddonname>);
builder.addPlugin(new BrowserifySupport());

module.exports = builder.configureEverythingForMe();


You can create additional files using ES6 module support, exporting and importing from other files and NPM packages.

An example of this might be


export function squareDistance(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2) {
    return (x2 - x1) * (x2 - x1) + (y2 - y1) * (y2 - y1) + (z2 - z1) * (z2 - z1);


import { squareDistance } from "../util/maths"


system.update = function() {
    // gather variables.
    squareDistance(x1, y1, x1, x2, y2, z2);


You can override the settings passed to Babelify any of the following settings the BrowserifySupport object.

const MinecraftAddonBuilder = require("minecraft-addon-toolchain/v1");
const BrowserifySupport = require("minecraft-addon-toolchain-browserify");

const builder = new MinecraftAddonBuilder(<youraddonname>);
const browserifySupport = new BrowserifySupport();

/// Modify options that browserify will use

/// Modify options that browserify will pass to babel

/// Add a new language feature to babel, you will need to install the corresponding babel plugin via npm:

/// Change the intermediate output directory
//browserifySupport.intermediateDir = "./out/before-browserify";

/// Change the entry point scripts that will be bundled.
//browserifySupport.entryPoints = ["scripts/client/*.js", "scripts/server/*.js"];

/// Add additional files to be bundled
//browserifySupport.bundleSources = ["scripts/**/*.js" ];


module.exports = builder.configureEverythingForMe();

For further information about the various configuration options provided by the various tools, consult the following links:

field namedocumentation link