1.0.0 • Published 9 years ago

minimal-firebase v1.0.0

Weekly downloads
Last release
9 years ago

Minimal Firebase

The current firebase.js download is 210k. Minified it's down to 132k. And add in gzip compression to get it to 44k.

Firebase has a ton of features, but many times you don't need all of them. This project aims to be a minimal, not full-featured implementation of the Javascript SDK through use of the REST API.

At its core, The main goal is to have a quick way to simply load and query data from your firebase.

Comparing to the sizes above, it is currently 5.7k, 2.8k, and 1.4k.


| Feature | Supported | Unsupported |


  1. Include MinimalFirebase:

    <script src="build/minimal-firebase.min.js"></script>
  2. Use it:

    # setup your minimal firebase
    firebase_root = "https://minimal-firebase.firebaseio.com"
    firebase = new MinimalFirebase(firebase_root)
    # get refs
    child = firebase.child "some_key"
    parent = child.parent()
    console.log "child.path = #{child.toString()}"
    console.log "child.key = #{child.key()}"
    # load data
    child.once (err, value) ->
      console.log "child value = #{value}"
    child.once {shallow: true}, (err, value) ->
      console.log "child shallow value", value
    child.once {format: 'export'}, (err, value) ->
      console.log "child value with priorities", value
    # load data synchronously
    value = child.once()
    # authenticate
    user = firebase.getAuth()
    firebase.createUser 'hello@test.com', 'world', (err, user) ->
      console.log user.uid
    firebase.authWithPassword 'hello@test.com', 'world', (err, user) ->
      console.log user.uid
    firebase.authAnonymously (err, user) ->
      console.log user.provider