1.2.0 • Published 1 year ago

mint-mojito v1.2.0

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Last release
1 year ago

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🚀 Installation

Download the Mintlify CLI using the following command

npm i mintlify -g

👩‍💻 Development

Run the following command at the root of your Mintlify application to preview changes locally.

mintlify dev

Note - mintlify dev requires yarn and it's recommended you install it as a global installation. If you don't have yarn installed already run npm install --global yarn in your terminal.


Steps you can take if the dev CLI is not working (After each step try to run mintlify dev again):

  • Make sure you are using Node v18 or higher.
  • Run mintlify install to re-install dependencies.
  • Navigate to the .mintlify folder in your home directory and delete its contents.
  • If all else fails navigate to ~/.mintlify and git clone https://github.com/mintlify/mint.git --branch legacy-components-import

🏃 Get Started

Create an account to start using Mintlify for your documentation.